Energize Your Life: Unleash the Power of Standard Process Health Packs

In today's world, taking care of your health is crucial, especially with the rise of weight-related issues. Overweight and obesity affect 65% of adults and 16% of kids in the U.S. This leads to serious health problems like heart disease and diabetes. To fight this, we need a full plan that includes better eating and more exercise. Standard Process offers health packs that use whole foods to boost your energy and wellness.

Standard Process makes a variety of different health packs to make it very easy and convenient for people to get healthy, whole food supplements.  They have general health packs which contain Catalyn, (multivitamin), Trace Mineral-B12 and Tuna Omega fish oil. The adrenal health packs are for people who are always stressed and busy with work, kids, exercise and daily life, these packs contain Cataplex ACP for immune system support, Drenamin which supports the adrenal glands and hormone balance, and paraplex which supports overall male and female hormone balance. The general female endocrine pack supports female hormone balance, included in this pack are Black current seed oil for essential fatty acid support, Catalyn as a multivitamin, Hypothalamus PMG that directly supports the hypothalamus gland, Symplex F for hormone support, and Tuna Omega 3 for fish oil. The immune system health pack contains Immuplex to support the immune system, Cataplex F for B6 support, Cataplex C to support the adrenals and immune system, and Calcium Lactate which contains calcium and magnesium for immune system activation and support. The last health pack offered by Standard Process is the bone health pack, this includes Calcifood for bone density support, Cataplex D for D support, Cruciferous complete for bone health, and Ostrophin PMG which is a protein extract to help with bone density. 

Standard Process health packs have you covered for every day health as well as specific support for energy, bone health, immune system, hormone support and more.  These health packs are super easy to take, take one pack in the morning and one pack at dinner time.  This way you only have to organize two little packs of vitamins and you don't need 10 bottles of supplements at home.  The act of getting supplements out of bottles seems to persuade most people to not want to take their vitamins.  So, make it easy on your health with Standard Process health packs. 

Key Takeaways

  • Standard Process offers whole food-based supplements to support overall health and wellness.  The have an organic farm and grown many of the ingredients that they put in their supplements; there are not many US based companies who do this. 
  • Their general health packs are designed to provide essential nutrients from natural sources.  It is really hard to get all the nutrients you need in your daily diet, even if you are eating all organic fruits and vegetable and grass-fed meats.  These health packs fill in the gaps for nutrients that you are not getting enough of. 
  • Supplementing with Standard Process products can help energize your daily activities and support a healthier lifestyle.  When we are lacking nutrients like Calcium Vitamin C, Fish Oil, B Vitamins and Magnesium we tend to struggle with low energy, digestive issues, brain fog and poor sleep. 
  • Whole food nutrition can play a vital role in addressing weight-related health concerns. Americans eat way too many ultra processed foods; processed foods are anything that comes in a box, bag or can.  When you process a food, it depletes it of nutrients and vitamins, so when eating fast food, pop tarts, donuts and French fries, know that you are not getting adequate nutrition.  
  • Standard Process, (SP), is a trusted brand with a reputation for quality and effectiveness.  The Standard Process family has been around for 95 years, they are always bettering their products using only high quality and organic ingredients. The difference between taking a high-quality supplement from Standard Process compared to a synthetic vitamin you get from the grocery store or pharmacy is night and day.  Trust SP quality, when you take their vitamins, it is truly improving your health and you can feel the difference. 

Unleash the Energy of Whole Food Nutrition
Feed your body with the strength of whole food nutrition. Standard Process general health packs are made with nutrient-rich complexes from whole foods. They give you essential vitamins, minerals, and other good stuff that is naturally occurring in food. These supplements work together to boost your energy and help your body heal and repair in many ways 

Revitalize Your Body with Nutrient-Rich Complexes
Standard Process health packs have a mix of whole food concentrates, herbals and protein extracts. These high quality supplements are often part of doctor monitored personalized nutrition plans.  They support your health in many ways by giving your body the fuel it needs to be healthy. These vitamin complexes feed your cells, help with digestion, and keep your immune system strong. Using whole food supplements, you'll notice more energy, better digestion, improved sleep and less aches and pains. 

Fuel Your Daily Activities with Natural Supplements
Optimize your health using Standard Process general health packs. They don't use synthetic or isolated nutrients from a lab like most supplements companies do. These supplements give you the nutrition you need to support clearer thinking, more energy, relaxation and hormonal balance. Enjoy the benefits of whole food nutrition to boost your productivity and live a more energized life style. 

"Nourish your body with the power of whole food nutrition."


Discover the Difference of Standard Process General Health Packs
The Standard Process general health packs are a top choice for boosting your wellness and filing in the gaps for your overall nutrition. They use whole food concentrates, and use the least number of synthetic products in their supplements.  Realize that the FDA requires certain supplements to contain small amounts of synthetics, that might not make a lot of sense but that is just the way it is.  This holistic approach to supplementation gives your body the nutrients it needs in their natural form, they contain co-factors which help these vitamins get better absorbed into your body. 

Each Standard Process health pack comes with enough for 30 days. It includes Catalyn®, Trace Minerals-B12™, and Tuna Omega-3 Oil. You should take one pack in the morning and one at night. This way, you get steady nutritional support all day.  There is no such thing as a one a day vitamin, you can't take a high dose of synthetic vitamins in one pill and expect that will last you the entire day; it doesn't make sense. The supplements mentioned above, Catalyn give you a broad spectrum of nutrients, Trace minerals and B12 are very difficult to get in our diet, and fish oil is even tougher to get.  Your body loves fish oil for brain support and to help fight off inflammation, you can take up to 3 grams a day. 

Nutrient Health Benefits
Calories 5
Total Fat 1g
Cholesterol 5mg
Total Carbohydrate 1g
Vitamin A 360 mcg RAE
Vitamin C 4mg
Vitamin D 7.8 mcg
Thiamin 0.2mg
Riboflavin 0.2mg
Vitamin B6 1mg
Vitamin B12 4.2 mcg
Iron 1.4mg
Iodine 300 mcg
Zinc 2.7mg
Copper 0.3mg
Manganese 16mg
DHA 300mg
EPA 60mg

These general health packs are there to supply your nutritional needs as a whole. In general, you should eat healthy, unprocessed foods and take whole food supplements to fill in the gaps.   Standard Process has many products for different diets, like Vegan, Vegetarian, and Gluten-Free, their supplements are very supportive to all the systems, organs, glands and cells of the body. 

"Whole food concentrates provide the body with a comprehensive range of nutrients in their natural state, allowing for optimal absorption and utilization."

Restore Balance and Vitality Naturally
Discover the power of natural health with Standard Process general health packs. These supplements are packed with whole food nutrients, just like you would get if you were eating real, organic food. The quality of SP supplements is so high that it allows the body to easily absorb and use the nutrients, so many supplement companies use cheap, synthetic nutrients that the body cannot recognize.  Some of the most common supplements companies, the ones that sell billions of dollars a year in vitamins; are using poor quality, synthetic compounds. 

Nourish Your Cells with Whole Food Concentrates
Standard Process general health packs focus on holistic wellness. Each formula is made to give your body a mix of vitamins, minerals, and natural co-factors. These come from whole foods and the organic farm that Standard Processed has maintained for over 50 years. 

Product Key Ingredients Health Benefits
Catalyn Whole food concentrates, vitamins, minerals, and trace minerals, This is SP's multivitamin Supports overall health and well-being by providing comprehensive nutritional support
Cardio-Plus Bovine heart PMG extract, Coenzyme Q10 Promotes healthy cardiovascular function and supports heart health
Betafood Red beet leaf extract Helps maintain healthy liver and gallbladder function, supports lipid transport and metabolism

Adding these supplements to your daily routine feeds your cells with the nutrients they need. This supports your natural health and vitality.
"Standard Process general health packs are the perfect way to support my body's natural balance and promote overall well-being. The whole food concentrates in these supplements are a game-changer for my cellular nourishment."

Empower Your Wellness Journey
Starting a wellness journey can be empowering. Standard Process general health packs can be a big help and get you going in the right direction. They support your body's natural functions like metabolism, digestion and energy production. These supplements offer personalized nutrition for a balanced and vibrant lifestyle.  A Standard Process affiliated doctor can set you up with a customized nutritional supplement protocol based on your medical history, blood tests and fill out the Symptom Survey. 

Unlock the Power of Whole-Body Support
Standard Process general health packs feed your body from the inside. They focus on whole-body support. Each pack has a mix of nutrient-rich whole food concentrates for your health needs. You will get vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and omega-3 fatty acids to keep you feeling great.

Nutrient Quantity per Serving
Vitamin A 360 mcg RAE
Vitamin D 1g
Thiamin 7.8 mcg
Riboflavin 0.2 mg
Vitamin B6 0.2 mg
Vitamin B12 1 mg
Iron D 4.2 mcg
Iodine 300 mcg
Zinc 2.7 mg
Copper 0.3 mg
Manganese 16 mg
DHA 300 mg
EPA 60 mg

Adding these whole-body supporting nutrients to your daily routine can boost your vitality, resilience, and overall well-being. In general, the body is a lot less stress and can operate more efficiently when getting adequate nutrients and vitamins; it is like getting premium gas for your car. 

"Nourishing your body with whole food concentrates is the foundation of a truly holistic approach to health."
As you move forward on your wellness journey, let Standard Process general health packs help you with a good foundation of vitamins and minerals. They can help unlock your body's potential for a balanced and vibrant lifestyle.

Unlock Your Body's Full Potential
Unlocking your body's full potential starts with giving it the right nutrients. Standard Process general health packs use whole food nutrients to feed your cells, energize your body and boost your natural vitality. Adding these supplements to your daily routine can give you more energy and focus. A good nutritional foundation will help get you on the right path to optimizing your health and wellness. 
SP Detox Balance™, a key product from Standard Process, has a special blend of organic ingredients. Often times we start our patients off with a good, healthy detox, it is amazing how many toxins, chemicals, and metals one can accumulate over the years. The Detox Balance shake is made from a lot of the foods grown on the organic farm, these include pea protein, flax meal, pumpkin seed protein, and beet juice powder. Each serving is packed with protein, amino acids, fiber, and magnesium. These nutrients help your kidney, adrenals, bowel, pancreas and liver detox naturally; this will get you ready for the next steps with taking the right supplements. 

Nutrient Amount per Serving
Calories 160
Total Fat 5 g
Dietary Fiber 4 g
Protein 17 g
Choline 100 mg
Calcium 70 mg
Iron 4 mg
Magnesium 70 mg
Sodium 190 mg
Potassium 230 mg

The SP Detox Balance program supports your body's metabolic detoxification process. This process has three phases: removing fat-soluble toxins, neutralizing them, and getting rid of water-soluble toxins. With the right whole-body nourishment, this program can help you reach your body's potential and improve your overall wellness.  Eating a healthy, whole food diet while taking the Detox Balance shake is the best way to go, and you will get the best results. 
"Proper nutrient support is essential for the detoxification system to function optimally. Poor nutritional backing during a detox program can lead to energy depletion, cognitive issues, and muscle breakdown."

Standard Process has many health packs and supplements for different diets, like vegan, vegetarian, USDA organic, gluten-free, non-dairy, and non-grain options. Choosing the right products for your body and its health history, can help you unlock your full potential. This can start a transformative wellness journey, when your body is getting the right nutrients, it does help transform your cells, making them healthier and healthier as time goes on.  Think of healthy cells getting the right fuel, day after day, year after year, this helps a lot of people who are dealing with chronic health conditions such as arthritis, thyroid dysfunction, blood sugar issues, migraine headaches, constipation and other inflammatory conditions. 

Standard Process general health packs offer a unique way to support your health. They use whole food concentrates to give you essential nutrients and co-factors. These whole food nutrients are a great foundation to starting a new healthy improvement plan. These supplements can help boost your energy, balance hormones, improve digestion and help you sleep better. They are a great choice for anyone wanting to live a more vibrant and healthy life. Standard Process has been around for nearly a century. They are dedicated to creating the best in whole food nutritional supplements and herbals. Their products support healthy bones, muscles, the nervous system, gut health, and immune function.

They offer health packs that meet your specific nutritional needs, such as adrenal health, bone health, female hormone packs, general health packs and immune booster packs. These health packs make it very convenient and easy to take your supplements and get the nutrients you need to help support your health. Many people go through the different health packs depending on what is happening with their health at the time, stress is always wearing us down so many people decide to do the adrenal stress packs.  Remember the adrenal glands produce Cortisol, and if this hormone is out of balance due to excessive stress, your body will be very irritated and unhappy. 

Think about adding Standard Process general health packs to your daily routine, it is very easy, take 1 pack at breakfast and 1 pack at dinner.  Many people get irritated if they have to open vitamin bottles and take out pills, the health packs make it super easy.  In reality it only takes about 3 seconds to swallow the supplements in the health pack; that is 6 seconds a day; to give your body the nutritional fuel it needs. 

What are Standard Process general health packs?
Standard Process general health packs are made with whole food ingredient grown right on the Standard Process farm. They give you essential vitamins, minerals, and nutrients for better health and energy.

How do Standard Process general health packs differ from other supplements?
Unlike other supplements, these packs use whole food concentrates, SP uses little to no synthetic ingredients. This means they give your body nutrients in their natural state. It helps your body absorb them instead of peeing them out like most high dose, synthetic vitamins that you get at the pharmacy or online. 

What are the benefits of using Standard Process general health packs?
These packs support many body functions, like energy, bone health, adrenal health and immune health. They use whole food ingredients which is like premium gasoline for your car; your body runs a lot smoothly when it is getting the nutrition it needs. 

Who can benefit from using Standard Process general health packs?
Anyone can use Standard Process general health packs. They're great for anyone looking to improve their health, no matter their current health or lifestyle. They're a key part of a healthy lifestyle.  People of all ages take these health packs, general health pack for people who are on the go or kids who go to school.  These health packs are so small you can carry them in your pocket, car or back pack, convenience is a big benefit of these vitamins. 

How should I incorporate Standard Process general health packs into my daily routine?
It's easy to add these packs to your daily routine. Just follow the recommended dosage and instructions. This way, you can fully benefit from these whole food supplements and support your health and energy.  With any of the health packs, we recommend you take one pack with breakfast and one with dinner. Consistency matters, the main thing is that you get the 2 packs in every day, you will notice the positive changes in your health week after week. 

Why use Standard Process supplements as compared to other brands?
Standard Process has a mission to feed your body with the healthiest, organic, and whole food nutrients.  SP grows a lot of their food on their farms, like beets, Spanish black radish, buckwheat and Swiss chard; it goes from the ground and in to your supplements.  SP goes through thorough testing and research for all of their products, always trying to give their consumers the highest level of quality.  If you have heard of supplements with bovine kidney, or heart or thyroid; SP and Royal Lee started this type of thinking 95 years ago.  SP is very unique in that the protomorphogens they put in their supplements can directly go to feed the organs and gland of your body; the ones that need some TLC.  Standard Process also has a sister company MediHerb, (MH), that produces some of the highest quality herbal formulas around; they use the best of the best parts of the plants to make their supplements; unlike any other company.  Between SP and MH, they are very comprehensive on what they offer to support the nutritional needs of your body. 

Where can I buy Standard Process supplements?
For a long time, Standard Process only worked with providers such as chiropractor, MD's, acupuncturists and veterinarians, you would have to go to a doctor’s office to buy your supplements.  Now, you are able to buy supplements online through an affiliate doctor with Standard Process.  This is only in the United States; they cannot ship to other countries. When buying through an SP affiliated doctors online store they will take care of everything for you, they will charge your credit card and mail the supplements to your door.  If you have any problems with your order, call Standard Process and they will take care of you.  This has only been possible the last 2 years; this really does open up the masses to Standard Process supplements and it is about time.  Like we mentioned above; the most popular vitamins that you see at Costco, the grocery store, and at the pharmacy are mostly synthetic; they are selling billions of dollars of these supplements a year and they pale in comparison to the quality of Standard Process.  If you are not quite sure, we encourage you to buy a bottle of Standard Process Catalyn, (this is a very comprehensive multivitamin), take this for a month as compared to taking one of those really popular one a day men’s/women’s vitamins and see how you feel.  At least you won't be peeing away your money with SP like you would with synthetic vitamins. 

Why are Standard Process and MediHerb supplements so expensive?
Both Standard Process and Mediherb source and harvest their ingredients from the highest quality suppliers or their own organic farm.  If you had a private jet, (we can all dream I guess, lol), you would probably want to fill it up with premium jet fuel instead of regular leaded gasoline.  You might not be able to get regular leaded gasoline anymore but you get the point.  When you are extracting the highest quality compounds and herbs, it does cost extra money to do this; but this is why Standard Process and Mediherb supplements are so far beyond anything else.  If they cannot grow it, they will find the highest quality source; they order a product, say turmeric or echinacea, they get it and thoroughly test it to make sure it is in the purest form to use for their supplements.  If they test a product and it is not up to their standards; they send it back.  Honestly, I would not like to be the company sending compounds to Standard Process because they are so meticulous in their testing; it would be tough to pass the test.  That being said, you can go online and get the latest supplement from doctor so and so, or that famous doctor on TV, or that cardiologist that wrote the book on grains being bad, and so on and so on; you can pay, $60, $80 and sometimes $169 for these supplements.  Think about it; if I am Dr. Famous person and I am advertising on TV for my latest restless leg syndrome supplements or weight loss supplement; these products may cost $10 to make but they have to sell them for $80 to pay for all this advertising.  Standard Process and MediHerb do ZERO advertising, they have thousands of doctors in the United States using and recommending their products so I guess that is their form of advertising.  This way you know, SP is giving you the highest quality supplements for the most affordable price; and the biggest benefit; these supplements work, the get absorbed and they do what they are supposed to do. The old saying goes, you get what you pay for, if you have been buying cheap supplements from the gas station, the grocery store or online and you have not seen any improvements in your health over the past two years; there is probably a good reason.

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Hamel Chiropractic and Wellness