Do You Really Need To Take Vitamins and Supplements Daily?

Do You Really Need To Take Vitamins and Supplements Daily?

In the United States, half of all adults take vitamins or supplements, spending over $12 billion a year. But how effective are these supplements? Some studies show they might help, while others say they don't offer the health benefits expected. They don't seem to lower the risk of heart disease, cancer, or other health issues.

Experts suggest focusing on a diet full of fruits, veggies, whole grains, and low-fat dairy. This diet is better than just taking supplements. Foods give your body the nutrients it needs in a way that's easier to use.

if you are wondering if daily vitamins and supplements are truly necessary? Uncover the truth behind whole food supplements, brands like Standard Process and MediHerb, and how they can play a vital role in optimizing your health. Explore our in-depth guide to see if your wellness routine could benefit from these powerful nutritional boosters

Key Takeaways

  • Multivitamins may not provide the expected health benefits, according to research.  This depends a lot on the quality of the vitamin or supplement, whole food supplements are well absorbed and recognized by your body, synthetic vitamins are not. 
  • The combination of a balanced, healthy diet with the right whole food supplements is the best way to optimize your health, to make sure you are getting all of the nutrients and vitamins you need. 
  • Supplements are not regulated by the FDA in the same way as drugs.  Drugs always force a reaction in your body; they use chemicals to do this.  Whole food supplements help give the body what it needs naturally, to function on the highest level.  When searching for vitamins make sure to get them through a reputable company because many are not regulated by the FDA. 
  • Certain individuals, such as pregnant women, or if you have a serious health conditions like heart disease, diabetes or cancer, should be cautious with supplements.  Definitely ask your doctor if you can take whole food vitamins with all of the medication you are taking.
  • Quality and safety standards for supplements can vary, so it's important to choose reputable brands.  Very reputable brands that have been around for 60+ years are Standard Process and Mediherb.

The Controversy Surrounding Vitamin and Mineral Supplements

Many people use vitamin and mineral supplements to boost their health. But, research on their effectiveness is mixed. Let's look into the debate and see what studies say.

Existing Research on Supplement Effectiveness

Recent studies have looked into the benefits of different supplements. A big review found that multivitamins don't lower heart disease or cancer risk. Another study followed 5,947 men for 12 years. It showed that multivitamins didn't stop cognitive decline.  Also, a study of 1,708 heart attack survivors found no difference in heart attacks, surgeries, or deaths between multivitamin users and those who didn't take them.  These studies suggest that multivitamins don't offer the health benefits expected. Eating a healthy diet is better for preventing chronic diseases.  The problem with all of these major studies is that they are based on people taking synthetic vitamins; these vitamins are made in a lab with chemicals.  Yes, taking high doses of synthetic vitamins is not a good idea and could cause some health issues.  

When taking whole food supplements; this is like taking real food, grinding it down and putting it into a pill.  These vitamins contain all of the natural cofactors, minerals and vitamins that regular, healthy food has.  Eating real, organic food has never been a bad thing and can only result in a healthier body, nervous system, digestive system and hormone balance. 

"Synthetic multivitamins do not provide the expected benefits and a healthy diet is a better approach for preventing chronic diseases."

These findings have started a new debate on the role of supplements in health. While some may need specific supplements, research points to a balanced diet as the best way to get nutrients.


Experts' View on Standard Process Supplements and Daily Vitamins

Experts have different views on vitamin and mineral supplements. Larry Appel, M.D., says "Pills are not a shortcut to better health." He suggests eating a healthy diet for vitamins and minerals. He thinks a balanced diet can give you all the vitamins you need, making vitamin supplements not necessary for most people.  When you read the above statement, realize that prescription drugs; are a shortcut to dealing with a symptom.  You can take a medicine for headaches, muscle pains, arthritis, inflammation, blood sugar, or high blood pressure, and in no way is it fixing the problem; it is only a band aid. 

However, some experts see value in Standard Process Supplements. These supplements use natural ingredients like honey and acacia gum. These whole food supplements are made in a lab that gets most all of its ingredients from an organic farm, Standard Process has its own organic farm

Choosing between nutritional supplements and a whole food diet is up to you, ideally you don't choose one or the other, but do both. Alternative Doctors look at your health history and lab results before suggesting supplements, to help fill in the gaps or correct nutritional deficiencies.  It's important to talk to a doctor before taking herbal supplements or natural supplements, especially if you have health issues or take other medicines.

In conclusion, opinions on vitamin supplements and daily vitamins differ. The choice to use them should be made with a doctor's advice. This ensures they fit your health needs and goals.  Make sure to get with an alternative minded doctor who can look over your health history, blood tests and your goals so you can set up the proper neutrino program that aligns with you specifically. 

Getting Nutrients from Whole Foods vs. Supplements

Alternative health experts often suggest getting nutrients from whole foods as well as high quality supplements, like Standard Process supplements. The best vitamins and minerals you will get from eating whole food, real food; stay away from ultra processed foods that come in a can, box or a bag.  

Keep in mind you are not taking whole food supplements to replace eating real food. Even if we are eating all organic fruits, vegetables and grass-fed meats; it is really hard to get all of the nutrients you need. Some of the most common nutrient and vitamin deficiencies are due to the food we eat not having adequate amounts, 

Whole Foods


Provide a natural balance of vitamins, minerals, and other beneficial compounds

May not replicate the synergistic effects of nutrients found in whole foods.  Synthetic vitamins definitely not, whole food vitamins do.

Less likely to cause adverse effects

High doses of certain synthetic vitamins and minerals can be potentially harmful. Whole food supplements do not carry the same side effects as synthetic vitamins.

Support overall well-being

Whole food supplements help fill dietary gaps, but should not replace a balanced diet.

Make whole foods the base of your diet and use whole food supplements to make sure you are getting the adequate nutrients you need. This way, you are coving your all avenues, your body gets the right nutrients to not only be healthy but to optimize your health. 

"The best way to get the vitamins and minerals your body needs are to eat a balanced, whole-foods-based diet. Whole food supplements can be useful, but they should not be a substitute for a healthy diet."

Specific Vitamin and Mineral Needs Throughout Life Stages

A balanced diet is key for good health. But sometimes, vitamin and mineral supplements are needed. Knowing what you need at different ages helps make sure you get the right nutrients for your health.

Prenatal and Pregnancy Supplements

Women who might have babies need folic acid to prevent birth defects. Pregnant women also might need more iron, calcium, and vitamin D. These help with the health needs of pregnancy.

Senior Nutrition and Supplement Considerations

Older people often have trouble absorbing nutrients like vitamin B12 and vitamin D. Seniors might need supplements to get enough nutrients. This is especially true if they don't eat well. Always talk to a doctor before starting supplements. They can tell you what you need based on your health and age. This ensures the supplements are safe and you are getting the right nutrients as your body is aging. 

Life Stage

Potential Supplement Needs

Prenatal and Pregnancy

Folic acid, prenatal vitamins, fish oil, iron, calcium, vitamin D.


Vitamin B12, vitamin D, calcium, protein.

Whole food supplements are recommended in many cases, but they shouldn't replace eating whole foods. If you are serious about your health, make sure to ask your doctor about doing a specialized nutrition plan just for you.  The doctor can evaluate nutrient deficiencies using a nutrition survey or blood work. 


For most people, eating a healthy, balanced diet is the best way to get vitamins and minerals, however it is really hard to get everything you need by eating food these days.  Whole food supplements like those from Standard Process can be helpful in many cases for people struggling with energy, sleep, digestive issues or chronic aches and pain. 

Standard Process has been a leader in whole food supplements for over 95 years. They offer a wide range of natural supplements and herbs including fish oil, vitamin D3, ashwagandha, calcium and magnesium. They use ingredients from their certified organic farm for better absorption and potency.

Choosing to use the right whole food supplements is one of the keys to good health, eating a balanced, nutrient-rich diet is another.  Eating whole, unprocessed food helps your body get the vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants it needs. This approach supports your physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual health for a better life.  The most common nutrient deficiencies today are Vitamin D3 and Magnesium.  

The most common health issue today is inflammation; too much inflammation in the body, the brain, the organs, muscles and joints.  Often times inflammation starts in the gut so it is what needs a lot of attention.  Eating ultra processed foods over time causes damage to the lining of the gut; leading to digestive issues, immune challenges and even leaky gut syndrome.  The gut has direct relationships with the brain, the musculoskeletal system, the thyroid gland, the adrenals and more; so, it is of utmost importance to keep the gut healthy.  The best way to support the gut with supplements to help reduce inflammation is to take L-Glutamine powder, Magnesium and Probiotics.  We have good and bad bacteria in the gut; the good bacteria have to make up over 80% of all bacteria in the gut for you to be healthy.


Do most Americans take daily vitamin and mineral supplements?

Yes, about half of American adults, including 70 percent of those 65 and older, take vitamins or supplements. They spend over $12 billion a year on these products.  While this is a good thing, most people are buying high dose, synthetic vitamins from the grocery store, the pharmacy, the gas station or online.  A very small percentage of Americans are taking whole food vitamins, they are not as popular and a little bit harder to find.  Taking the right vitamins makes all the difference, if you are taking synthetic vitamins, you might not be seeing any improvement of your health.

Do multivitamins provide the expected health benefits?

Only whole food vitamins can give your body what it needs to be healthy; your body can recognize and absorb these which you don't get with synthetic vitamins. If you are looking for health benefits like improved energy, better sleep, improved digestion, less aches and pains; if you are taking the right whole food supplements, you should notice a difference in 30 days or less.  If you are taking a synthetic vitamin for 3, 6 or 12 month and still not seeing any health improvements you should stop taking it because obviously it is not working. 

What do experts recommend when it comes to whole food supplements?

Experts suggest only taking quality whole food supplements from companies like Standard Process, MediHerb, Douglas Laboratories, Pure Encapsulations, Metagenics and Life Extensions.  There are some really good companies out there; just make sure they use little to no synthetics in their supplements. Do your research on high quality vitamins, take them for a month and see what changes you experience; if no change then stop taking them. You will spend more money on high quality supplements but at least they get absorbed in your body; with cheap, synthetic vitamins you just pee them out; peeing out yellow synthetic vitamins. 

What does the research say about the effectiveness of multivitamins?

When looking to improve your health, whether it be digestive issues, headaches, joint pain, weight loss or energy; taking whole food vitamins can be very effective. 

What is the expert view on taking supplements for better health?

Dr. Larry Appel says, "Pills aren't a quick way to better health or prevent chronic diseases." Taking a prescription medication to force down your blood pressure or cholesterol is not fixing anything.  Make healthy food choices, do not eat ultra processed foods and take the right whole food vitamins. 

What are the benefits of getting nutrients from whole foods rather than supplements?

Foods like fruits, veggies, grains, and dairy give you vitamins, minerals, and other cofactors naturally. These nutrients work together to support your health. Whole food supplements from Standard Process and Mediherb also contain these co-factors.  Synthetic vitamins do not contain these co-factors. 

What are the most common Standard Process Supplements People Buy?

Standard Process makes a lot of different supplements, anything from specific support for your adrenal glands to a multivitamin. The most common whole food supplements that people are buying are Catalyn, Magnesium Lactate, Prosynbiotic, Drenamin and SP Detox Balance shake. Often times your doctor will have you fill out a symptom survey as a part of your nutrition evaluation, this helps the doctor determine what body systems need the most support and the best supplements to start with. 

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