Relieve Achilles Tendinitis Pain Fast: Discover the Power of Shockwave Therapy

Is heel pain slowing you down? Are you not able to walk, play basketball, play pickleball or golf without pain? Achilles tendinitis affects 2-3% of people, it is the second most common foot issue behind plantar fasciitis. Know that there's hope! Shockwave therapy for Achilles tendinitis is a game-changer for those seeking pain relief and who are ready to get back to being active.

This innovative treatment uses sound waves to kick-start your body's healing process. It's non-invasive and a great alternative to surgery or steroid shots. If you are sick and tired of battling relentless Achilles tendinitis pain? Discover how shockwave therapy can offer fast and effective relief. Learn about this groundbreaking treatment that targets the root cause of your pain, promotes healing, and gets you back on your feet quickly. Dive into our article to uncover the power of shockwave therapy and how it can transform your recovery journey.  Combining shockwave therapy with chiropractic care or physical therapy helps to speed up recovery of all Achilles tendon pain, calf and soleus muscle pain and strains. 

Without extra corporeal shockwave therapy, (ESWT), there is no surgery or medicine, the shockwaves help stimulate a healing response, bringing in more blood flow, oxygen, nitric oxide and stem cells to the injured area. If you are looking for an alternative to mainstream medicine's Cortisone shots or invasive Achilles surgeries, ESWT might be exactly what you are looking for.  The treatments are quick, there is no downtime and you don't have to worry about getting addicted to strong pain medication and muscle relaxers. 

shockwave therapy for Achilles tendinitis

Studies show that shockwave therapy can greatly reduce pain and improve function in Achilles tendinitis patients. In fact, one study found that 60% of patients reported being "completely recovered" or "much improved" after treatment. That's a big step towards heel pain relief and the patient not having to worry about being down for 6-8 months after major surgery. 

Key Takeaways

  • Shockwave therapy is a non-invasive treatment for Achilles tendinitis
  • It's effective for patients 18 and older seeking heel pain relief.  
  • The treatment uses sound waves to stimulate natural healing
  • Studies show significant pain reduction and functional improvement
  • Shockwave therapy is a great alternative to surgery or steroid injections

Understanding Achilles Tendinitis: Causes and Symptoms

Achilles tendinitis is a common issue that affects the largest tendon in your body. It's important to know what it is, why it happens, and how to recognize it.

What is Achilles Tendinitis?

Achilles tendinitis happens when the Achilles tendon gets over used and inflamed. This tendon connects your calf muscles to your heel bone. It often comes from doing too much high-impact activities like running, basketball, pickleball or other jumping activities. 

Achilles tendon treatment

Common Causes of Achilles Tendinitis

Many things can cause this painful condition:

  • Sudden increase in physical activity
  • Improper footwear
  • Exercising on uneven surfaces
  • Tight calf and soleus muscles
  • Bone spurs on the heel
  • People who are overpronators and flat footed
  • Repetitive jumping sports like basketball, volleyball or even football

Recognizing the Symptoms

Spotting Achilles tendinitis early helps with treatment. Look out for these signs:




Aching along the tendon, especially in the morning


Difficulty flexing your foot


Noticeable inflammation around the tendon


The affected area feels warm to touch

If not treated, Achilles tendon pain and inflammation can get worse. Early action with the right treatment is crucial. This includes treatments like, physical therapy, chiropractic care, shockwave therapy for Achilles tendinitis, heel spur treatment or plantar fasciitis therapy, depending on your condition.

Traditional Treatment Options for Achilles Tendinitis

Treatment for Achilles tendinopathy often begins with conservative methods. These methods aim to ease heel pain and help healing. The RICE method (Rest, Ice, Compression, Elevation) is a first step. It reduces inflammation and eases discomfort.

Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) are often used to lessen pain. Physical therapy is key in recovery. It includes exercises to stretch and strengthen the calf muscles and Achilles tendon.

Eccentric exercises have shown great promise in treating chronic Achilles tendinosis. A study found that heavy-load eccentric calf muscle training greatly improved symptoms. For chronic insertional Achilles tendinopathy, a new training method has shown positive results.  Physical therapy exercises combined with shockwave therapy for Achilles tendinitis is a great combination to speed up healing and improve muscle strength. 

Doctors might suggest corticosteroid injections in some cases. But these injections carry a risk of tendon rupture and are used with caution. Night splinting has been effective in reducing morning pain for many patients.

While these treatments help, they might not always fix the underlying cause of Achilles tendinitis. Some cases may need more advanced treatments for lasting relief from heel pain.

"Most cases of Achilles tendinitis can find pain relief through nonsurgical treatments, but it may take a few months for symptoms to completely dissipate."

If conservative methods don't work, surgery might be an option. Tendon debridement surgery has shown up to 75% return to pre-surgical activity levels. Gastrocnemius recession surgery has also shown good results with reduced pain and improved function.

Shockwave Therapy for Achilles Tendinitis: A Game-Changing Solution

Extracorporeal shockwave therapy (ESWT) is a new way to treat Achilles tendinitis. It's non-invasive and helps people reduce their heel pain and improve their mobility of their foot and ankle.  For an Achilles tendon to heal it needs the right therapy, a combination of ESWT, chiropractic care, physical therapy, acupuncture and corrective exercises are key.  Without the proper therapy and time for healing; the tendinitis can get worse and eventually cause a tear or rupture in the Achilles tendon. 

How Shockwave Therapy Works

ESWT uses sound waves to help heal damaged tissues in the Achilles tendon. These waves make cells grow, produce collagen, and create new blood vessels. This leads to tendon repair and less inflammation.  Tendons and ligaments have a hard time healing because they do not get adequate blood flow to the area, this is why Anterior Cruciate Ligament, (ACL), surgery and Achilles tendon surgery take so long to heal and recover, the average healing time is 6-8 months if you do the proper therapy and rehab. Shockwave therapy works in a very unique way that no other non-invasive therapy does; it slightly irritates damaged tissues and creates a healing cascade of events.  This is why it works so well, there is no downtime, you can get shockwave therapy for Achilles tendinitis and right after your session you can walk out of the office and carry on with your daily activities. 

Benefits of Shockwave Therapy for Achilles Tendinitis

Shockwave therapy has many benefits for Achilles tendinitis:

  • Significant pain reduction
  • Improved function and mobility
  • Faster recovery times, naturally speeds up healing in 6-8 weeks to heal tissue
  • Non-invasive treatment option, no surgery or strong medication
  • Minimal side effects, a little soreness or redness that goes away quickly

Studies show it can help 68.3% of people with chronic conditions feel less pain. For Achilles tendinitis, it's shown to reduce inflammation and aid healing.

The ESWT Procedure: What to Expect

Here's what happens during an ESWT session for Achilles tendinitis:

  1. Application of gel to the skin
  2. Use of a handheld device to deliver shockwaves in the form of acoustic soundwaves
  3. Treatment lasting about 10 minutes
  4. Delivery of 400 pulses at therapeutic intensity

You'll likely need 8-10 treatments over 6-8 weeks for best results. For more difficult and severe cases of Achilles tendinitis you may need 3-6 months’ worth of shockwave therapy treatment. Your doctor will decide the best plan for you based on your goals and expectations.  

Treatment Aspect


Session Duration

10 minutes

Number of Pulses


Treatment Course

8-10 sessions

Treatment Period

6-8 weeks

Effectiveness and Recovery: What the Research Says

Shockwave therapy for Achilles tendinitis is now widely studied in the medical field. Studies show it's a promising treatment for this common issue. Let's look at what research says about its effectiveness and how it helps with recovery.

Clinical Studies on Shockwave Therapy for Achilles Tendinitis

Many clinical trials have shown shockwave therapy helps with Achilles tendinitis. A 2018 study in the Journal of Research in Medical Sciences found it cut pain and improved function. The study had 384 patients, with 326 getting shockwave therapy. They saw a two-point boost in pain and quality of life.

A 2013 study in Foot & Ankle International also looked at shockwave therapy for chronic Achilles tendinopathy. It found shockwave therapy was better than traditional exercises in reducing pain at 6 and 18 months after treatment.

Post-Treatment Recovery and Results

After shockwave therapy for Achilles tendinitis, pain will lessen over time. You'll need 8-10 treatments within 6-8 weeks.  Some might feel a bit sore at first, but most feel better right away. You can start doing normal activities, like exercising, as you feel up to it, the main thing is not to irritate or injure the area while you are in that first 6–8-week phase of shockwave therapy. Keep in mind, everyone recovers differently. Pay attention to your body and follow your doctor's advice for the best outcome.  There are many factors that can affect healing, if a patient has diabetes or autoimmune condition this can prolong the healing time.


What is Achilles tendinitis?

Achilles tendinitis is an injury that causes pain and swelling in the Achilles tendon. This tendon links the calf muscles to the heel bone. It affects about 2-3% of people.  Achilles tendonitis is the 2nd most common foot injury or complaint behind plantar fasciitis. 

What causes Achilles tendinitis?

It often starts suddenly with physical activity, like while playing basketball running, pickleball, golf and other activities.  Wearing the wrong shoes, having fallen arches and being overweight can also increase the chances of irritating the Achilles tendon. People who are older, do repetitive activities, have tight calf and soleus muscles, or certain health conditions are more at risk.  Research has shown that every patient coming in complaining of Achilles tendinitis has severe tightness in their calves and soleus muscles, also they are often suffering from plantar fasciitis to some degree. 

What are the symptoms of Achilles tendinitis?

You might feel pain and stiffness in the Achilles tendon. This is usually worse in the morning or after you've been active.  You feel tightness in your calves and it feels like you Achilles tendon just can't stretch out that it is supposed to. You may feel a sharp pain while jumping or landing and severe pain about 2 hours of intense exercise, tennis, pickleball or running.

What are the traditional treatment options for Achilles tendinitis?

To treat it, you can rest, use ice, compress, and elevate the affected area (RICE). You might also take NSAIDs, do physical therapy, or try eccentric exercises. In some cases, you might need a corticosteroid injection or surgery.  It really depends on the severity of the injury; how much damage is done to the tissues of the Achilles tendon.  If there are slight tears it can be rehabilitated with ESWT, physical therapy and chiropractic.  Of course, if there is a full rupture of the tendon, surgery is necessary. 

What is shockwave therapy (ESWT)?

Shockwave therapy, or ESWT, is a new way to treat injuries without surgery. It uses sound waves to help heal and repair damaged tissues.  This therapy is all natural, it helps to stimulate a healing response from the injured area, whether that be a tendon, muscle, ligament or joint.  Penetrating sound waves bring more blood, oxygen, stem cells and other healing agents into the injured area; the waves also help to clear out inflammation which is necessary for healing to begin. 

How does shockwave therapy work for Achilles tendinitis?

This therapy helps by regenerating or repairing the injured tissue, creating new collagen, and improving blood flow. This leads to less pain, better function, and quicker healing of the Achilles tendon. 

What are the benefits of shockwave therapy for Achilles tendinitis?

It helps reduce pain, improve how well you can move, and heal faster. ESWT is non-invasive, so you don't need surgery or repeated steroid shots.  Some benefits of ESWT are: there in no downtime, treatment are only 10 minutes, it is a natural healing process so there in no surgery or medications, in 6-8 of treatment most patients are feeling significantly better, able to move better with less pain.  Most people are choosing shockwave therapy today as an alternative to surgery or strong medicine; these patients want to get back to pickleball, tennis, golf, hiking, walking their dog or traveling; they don't want to be laid up after a major surgery. 

What is the estimated cost for shockwave therapy treatment?

At Hamel Chiropractic and Wellness, patients have two options for shockwave therapy; they can pay as they go $139 per visit; or they can buy a package of 10 for $999.  Just like this office, most shockwave therapy providers offer discounts for packages of visits.  If you look in the greater Houston area the average cost per shockwave therapy session is $125-$175. In certain cities within Texas some providers are charging up to $275 per visit. When you look at the cost of other therapies, Cortisone shots, medications and even surgeries; ESWT, in comparison, is very affordable for the results it produces. 

What does the shockwave therapy procedure involve?

First, an ultrasound gel is put on your skin, in this case over the calf and Achilles tendon. Then, a device sends shockwaves deep into the tendon to stimulate healing of the damaged or injured area.  The whole treatment takes about 10 minutes, with 400 pulses at a certain intensity.

What does the research say about the effectiveness of shockwave therapy for Achilles tendinitis?

Studies show shockwave therapy works well for Achilles tendinitis. A study found it was better than other treatments or just waiting it out.  Over 70% of patients suffering with Achilles tendinitis saw improvement in pain levels and mobility of their ankle and foot after the initial phase of shockwave therapy, 6-8 weeks and 8-10 treatments. 

What is the recovery like after shockwave therapy for Achilles tendinitis?

You might feel a bit sore and bruised right after. But most patients feel pain relief and an increase in movement after just one visit. Each treatment builds on the last one, the consistency over the 6-8 with treatment makes a significant difference with results. During the recovery and healing process you are able to do certain activities, just make sure not to overdo it and cause irritation or injury to the Achilles tendon. 

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Hamel Chiropractic and Wellness