Shockwave Therapy for Neuropathy: Find Lasting Relief from Nerve Pain

If you're among the millions worldwide with neuropathy, you know the pain it brings. Traditional medical treatments do not seem to have the answers, and they can also have bad side effects. But, there's a new hope: shockwave therapy. This guide will cover what neuropathy is and how shockwave therapy can help. You'll learn how it repairs and regenerates nerves. We'll also talk about who can get it and what to expect during treatment.

Living with neuropathy can feel like an endless battle against pain, numbness, and discomfort. Every step, every touch, and even the slightest movement can trigger a wave of debilitating symptoms. If you're tired of trying medications that mask the pain without addressing the root of the issue, it’s time to explore a treatment that works with your body’s natural healing processes - Shockwave Therapy for neuropathy.

Shockwave Therapy is rapidly gaining recognition for its ability to target the underlying causes of nerve damage, offering a non-invasive solution that not only alleviates pain but also promotes regeneration. Imagine waking up without the constant tingling or burning sensation in your feet or hands. With each session, shockwave pulses stimulate blood flow, reduce inflammation, and activate your body’s repair mechanisms, providing you with a real chance at long-term relief.
Don't let neuropathy control your life. Thousands of individuals suffering from nerve pain have already experienced the transformative benefits of shockwave therapy for neuropathy. It’s time to stop managing your symptoms and start healing. If you’re ready to take control of your health and live pain-free, extracorporeal shockwave therapy might just be the breakthrough you’ve been waiting for.

Key Takeaways

  • Neuropathy affects millions of people worldwide, impacting their quality of life. This brings severe pain, numbness and tingling to areas like the arms, hands, legs, feet and face. Many neuropathy type symptoms are caused by diabetes and chemotherapy side effects. 
  • Shockwave therapy is a non-invasive, effective treatment option for managing neuropathy without the burdens of costly prescriptions or medication side effects.
  •  Shockwave therapy works by stimulating the body's natural healing processes, promoting nerve repair and regeneration.
  • Different types of shockwave therapy, such as Radial Shockwave Therapy (RSWT) and Focused Shockwave Therapy (FSWT), are used to treat neuropathy.
  • Shockwave therapy for neuropathy is considered safe, with minimal side effects, and offers long-lasting results.  Often times the patient can notice a difference after their first treatment. 

Understanding Neuropathy: Causes and Symptoms
Neuropathy is a complex condition with many causes. Diabetes is a common cause, as high blood sugar can damage nerves over time. Some chemotherapy drugs also cause neuropathy in cancer patients.  Too many toxic chemicals in your body also contributes to numbness, tingling and hypersensitivity. 

Common Causes of Neuropathy

  •  Diabetes
  • Chemotherapy drugs
  •   Alcohol abuse
  • Certain medications, including anticonvulsants, heart or blood pressure medications, and antibiotics
  •  Autoimmune diseases like rheumatoid arthritis and lupus
  •  Infections such as shingles and HIV
  •   Vitamin deficiencies, particularly in B12
  •  Heavy metal toxicity
  •   Genetic predisposition
  •  Physical trauma or injury

Symptoms of Neuropathy
Symptoms of neuropathy vary but often include numbness, pain, or burning in hands and feet. Muscle weakness, cramping, and loss of balance are also common. Other symptoms include changes in heart rate, sweating, and bowel and bladder function. Chemotherapy-induced neuropathy can cause specific symptoms. These include trouble with fine motor skills and decreased sensation in extremities.

There is no cure for neuropathy, but symptoms can be managed. Treatments include medications, physical therapy, and lifestyle changes. It's crucial to consult healthcare professionals for an effective treatment plan.

Shockwave Therapy: A Promising Non-Invasive Treatment
If you're dealing with neuropathy, shockwave therapy might be worth looking into. It's a non-invasive way to tackle nerve pain and other neuropathic symptoms. This therapy uses high-energy shock waves to help your body heal and regenerate damaged nerves.

Since the 1980s, shockwave therapy has been around, but it's only recently that researchers have really explored its benefits for musculoskeletal conditions and neuropathy.  ESWT is now used to treat various conditions, like shoulder and Achilles tendinopathy, and plantar fasciitis.  Shockwave therapy offers many advantages for neuropathy patients. It can reduce pain, improve function, and boost strength. Plus, it's safer and has fewer side effects than some other treatments, like surgery or medication.



If you're thinking about trying shockwave therapy for your neuropathy, talk to a healthcare expert. They can check your condition and see if this treatment is right for you.  As a patient, you should see some positive changes within 3 shockwave therapy treatments, otherwise it probably is not going to make a difference in your condition.  Look for changes in numbness, tingling, pain and hypersensitivity, the protocol for ESWT is 10 visits over the course of 6-8 weeks, many patients see noticeable improvement in this time frame. 

How Shockwave Therapy Works for Neuropathy
Shockwave therapy is a new, non-invasive way to help the body heal. It uses high-energy waves to kick-start the healing process. These waves, called "shockwaves," help enhance the body's ability to heal and repair damaged nerves and improve blood flow.

What is a Shockwave?
A shockwave is a quick, high-pressure wave followed by a lower-pressure wave. It's sent to the affected area with a special device. The most popular company making this device is StemWave, the have done extensive research and testing to get the best shockwave therapy treatment results. This can help heal damaged nerves and improve circulation, easing neuropathy symptoms.

Mechanisms of Shockwave Therapy for Nerve Repair
Shockwave therapy helps nerves heal in several ways:
⦁    It boosts blood flow and circulation by up to 300%. This means more oxygen and nutrients reach damaged nerves.
⦁    It triggers the release of growth factors. These are key for nerve repair and growth.
⦁    It has anti-inflammatory effects. This can reduce swelling and pain in neuropathy.
⦁    It helps nerve fibers grow back after injury or surgery.  It is very common to damage nerves during hip surgery, knee surgery or foot surgery; we recommend doing ESWT immediately after a major surgery to stimulate healing and repair. 

Shockwave therapy is a promising non-invasive treatment for neuropathy. It offers relief from nerve pain, numbness, tingling and weakness. 




Types of Shockwave Therapy for Neuropathy
People with neuropathy may find relief in different shockwave therapies. These treatments use special devices to send pressure waves. They aim to help the body heal and possibly grow new nerves.

Radial Shockwave Therapy (RSWT)
Radial shockwave therapy uses a handheld device. It sends pressure waves through the skin. This method can boost blood flow and lessen pain and numbness in affected areas.

Focused Shockwave Therapy (FSWT) StemWave
Focused shockwave therapy targets specific areas with high-intensity waves. This helps to enhance the body's natural healing ability which may help nerves heal and ease symptoms of neuropathy.

Acoustic Wave Therapy (AWT)
Acoustic wave therapy sends low-intensity waves to the affected area. It can improve blood flow, reduce swelling, and help damaged nerves heal.

Unfocused Shockwave Therapy (SoftWave)

Unfocused shockwave therapy, like SoftWave, sends waves over a larger area. It's good for treating nerve damage in neuropathy, covering more tissue.
Knowing about these shockwave therapies helps people with neuropathy. They can choose the best treatment with their healthcare team.  Shockwave therapy treatment is a great option to mainstream medicine; it definitely cannot make a neuropathy condition worse so it is worth a try. 

Candidates for Shockwave Therapy for Neuropathy
If you're dealing with chronic neuropathic pain and haven't found relief with mainstream medical procedures or prescription medication, shockwave therapy might be a good alternative. It's a non-invasive treatment that works well for diabetic neuropathy, postherpetic neuralgia, and other nerve damage.  Also, if you want to avoid surgery of any kind, shockwave therapy is a good choice. It's usually comfortable, with little pain during the short sessions.



If you fit into any of these groups, shockwave therapy for neuropathy could be a good non-invasive option for you. Talk to your healthcare provider about the benefits, find a shockwave therapy provider and go and try at least one session to see if you notice a difference in your symptoms. 

The Shockwave Therapy Procedure: What to Expect
Thinking about shockwave therapy for neuropathy? It's key to know what happens during the process. The steps are simple and aim to ease nerve pain. The first step is preparation, your doctor will put a special gel on the area to be treated. Then, they'll place the shockwave device on your skin.  When the procedure starts, you might feel a tapping or pulsing. Some people find it a bit uncomfortable, but you definitely don't need anesthesia. The whole treatment usually takes 10-15 minutes.

Right after the treatment, you can go back to your usual activities. But your doctor might tell you to avoid intense exercises for a day or two. Use common sense, and don't do any activities that would irritate your condition or slow down your recovery, this allows your body to heal fully. We recommend doing 10 shockwave therapy sessions over the period of 6-8 weeks to see the maximum treatment benefit.  In summary, shockwave therapy is a quick, non-surgical way to fight nerve pain, numbness, and irritation from neuropathy. Knowing what to expect makes you more ready and confident for this new treatment.

Potential Side Effects and Safety Considerations
Shockwave therapy for neuropathy is very safe and non-invasive. However, there are some side effects to know about. Most of these are mild and don't last long, so you can get back to your usual activities right away. Common side effects include mild pain or discomfort during or after treatment. You might also see some swelling or bruising. Some patients feel skin irritation and redness. These effects usually go away within one to two days.

The FDA-cleared StemWave technology used in shockwave therapy is very safe and effective. It has fewer and less severe side effects than other methods. StemWave aims to offer the benefits of ESWT with less risk, making it a good choice for nerve healing and pain relief.

Overall, shockwave therapy for neuropathy is safe and has a little to no side effects. Most patients only feel mild and temporary discomfort, which goes away within a couple of hours. This, along with the chance for significant pain relief and better nerve function, makes it a strong non-invasive treatment option for neuropathy.

Shockwave Therapy for Neuropathy: Clinical Evidence and Success Stories
Many studies show shockwave therapy works well for neuropathy. One study looked at using shockwave therapy on wounds, including those from neuropathy. Out of 208 patients, 156 saw their wounds fully heal in about 44 days. There were no bad side effects or infections.
Another study compared shockwave therapy with hyperbaric oxygen for diabetic foot ulcers. Shockwave therapy did better, improving blood flow and cell activity. This made wounds heal faster.

StemWave therapy, a type of shockwave treatment, has helped many people with neuropathy. It has a success rate of 60-91% for pain and musculoskeletal issues. This means thousands of people have found relief from neuropathy symptoms.

"StemWave therapy has been a game-changer for me. After struggling with neuropathy for years, I finally found a non-invasive solution that provided the relief I'd been searching for. The results have been truly life-changing." - Emily

Shockwave therapy has been around for over 20 years. It helps wounds heal faster and boosts the body's healing powers. This makes it a good, non-surgical option for neuropathy and other conditions involving tendinitis, inflammation, Sciatica or nerve damage. 

Shockwave therapy is a new, non-invasive way to treat neuropathy. It uses high-energy sound waves to help the body heal faster. This leads to quicker nerve repair, better blood flow, reduced pain and less need for medicines.

There are different types of shockwave therapy, like radial and focused. Each type is designed for specific needs. It's safe, with only a few minor side effects. Many studies and happy patients support its effectiveness.

Shockwave therapy is a good choice for those tired of traditional treatments. It offers a safe and effective way to ease nerve pain. It's a hopeful solution for those looking to improve their life and manage their neuropathy condition.

What is neuropathy and what are the common causes?
Neuropathy is nerve damage. It can be caused by diabetes, chemotherapy, or physical trauma. It can also be caused by autoimmune diseases, vitamin deficiencies, and certain medications. Symptoms include pain, numbness, and weakness.

How does shockwave therapy work for treating neuropathy?

Shockwave therapy uses high-energy waves to stimulate the healing and repair of damaged nerves. It boosts blood flow, reduces inflammation and brings in healing agents to the specific area being treated. This is key to managing the symptoms of neuropathy. 

What are the different types of shockwave therapy for neuropathy?
There are several types, like radial shockwave therapy (RSWT) and focused shockwave therapy (FSWT). Each type uses different shockwave delivery methods. They can be customized for each patient's needs.

Who are good candidates for shockwave therapy for neuropathy?
Those with chronic pain and who have tried other treatments might benefit. This includes people with diabetic neuropathy and other nerve damage.  Many people are tired of taking medication and are looking for a more alternative treatment, ESWT is a great option and you will know within 3 sessions if it is going to help. 

What can I expect during a shockwave therapy session for neuropathy?
The process starts with applying gel and placing the device on your skin. You'll feel a tapping sensation as the shockwaves are applied. After about 10-15 minutes, you can resume normal activities. Often times after the treatment you will feel improvements in range of motion and pain relief, or improved sensation with neuropathy patients. Some doctors advise avoiding high-impact exercises for a day or two, the body take time to heal so do not interfere with your recovery by over doing it. 

Are there any potential side effects of shockwave therapy for neuropathy?

Shockwave therapy is generally safe but can cause mild side effects. These include pain, swelling, and skin irritation. Most side effects are mild and short-lived, allowing for immediate return to activities.

What does the clinical evidence and patient success stories say about shockwave therapy for neuropathy?
Research shows shockwave therapy is effective for neuropathy. One study found a 100% healing rate in neuropathic wounds. Another study showed better outcomes than hyperbaric oxygen therapy. StemWave therapy has helped thousands of patients find relief from neuropathy.  Shockwave therapy is another alternative therapy that is worth trying if nothing else is working for nerve pain; you have nothing to lose. 

What else can I be doing for my neuropathy or nerve pain along with shockwave therapy?
Healthy lifestyle changes are always a positive when it comes to managing chronic health conditions.  We recommend certain natural supplements to help with nerve pain, including St. John's Wort, Omega 3 Fish Oil, Alpha Lipoic Acid, Vitamin B12, Magnesium Lactate, and Turmeric.  Definitely try and reduces toxins coming in to your body with food, alcohol and smoking; these all effect your body's ability to heal and repair. 

How many sessions of shockwave therapy are needed to see results? 
Typically, patients require multiple sessions, usually ranging from 8 to 10 treatments over 6-8 weeks. Some patients report improvements after the first few sessions, but full benefits are often seen after completing the entire course of therapy.

Hamel Chiropractic and Wellness