Does PIP Insurance Cover Treatment by a Car Accident Chiropractor?

After an accident, you might wonder if your PIP insurance covers chiropractic care. Many people don't know what PIP is or how it affects chiropractic care after an accident. Personal Injury Protection (PIP) is a type of insurance that helps pay for medical costs and rehabilitation after a car accident. Today, we'll explain how PIP policies usually handle chiropractic care for accident victims.

After a car accident, the impact on your body isn't always immediate. Days or even weeks later, you might start feeling pain in your neck, back, or shoulders—classic signs of injuries that chiropractors specialize in treating. But here's the good news: Personal Injury Protection (PIP) insurance could cover the cost of your chiropractic care, allowing you to focus on healing without the added stress of medical bills piling up.  Most accident victims make sure to get their vehicle fixed after the car wreck; but how about your body; the spine, muscles and joints; they may need fixing too. 

PIP insurance is designed to provide medical coverage regardless of who was at fault in the accident, and chiropractic care often falls under its benefits. Whether you're dealing with whiplash, soft tissue damage, or ongoing back pain, a chiropractor can help you recover faster and more effectively. Many accident victims don't realize that their PIP insurance can be used to cover these treatments, leaving them to deal with unnecessary pain or out-of-pocket expenses.  Dr. Hamel, car accident chiropractor in Kingwood, Texas, says that he often sees patients who were in an accident and the person who hit them did not have insurance or it was a hit and run; in this case our patients can use their PIP insurance.  Also, if a patient is run off the road or hydroplanes off the road and hits a tree, they can use their PIP insurance for all medical treatment. 

Don't wait until the neck and back pain becomes unbearable. Using your PIP insurance for chiropractic care ensures you're taking proactive steps toward your recovery. Seeking early treatment not only helps with immediate pain relief but also prevents long-term damage, so you can get back to living your life without chronic pain.  You can see if you have PIP insurance and what your limits are by calling your insurance agent or insurance company.  All major insurance companies offer PIP including Geico, USAA, Progressive, Farmers, Travelers, Blue Star, Allstate and Nationwide.

Key Takeaways

  • PIP insurance usually covers from 80-100% of medical bills, including chiropractic care, up to policy limits.
  • Chiropractic services under PIP coverage may be covered up to $2,500 to $10,000, depending on the provider's policy.
  • Insurance companies might deny coverage for chiropractic treatment if there are gaps in care or if treatment wasn't sought within 14 days post-accident.  The insurance company wants to see that you are participating in your treatment, follow the chiropractor’s treatment plan and recommendations to fully recover. 
  • PIP insurance also covers lost income, funeral expenses, and other accident-related expenses.  Most patients that we see, says Dr. Hamel, do not want to miss any work, they use their PIP to get healed and recovered as quickly as possible, this usually means seeing the chiropractor 3 times a week for a few weeks. 
  • Prompt medical attention and proper documentation are key to maximizing PIP coverage for chiropractic care.  The car accident chiropractor that you get your treatment from will file all of the necessary documentation, bills, notes and progress reports to your insurance company. 

Understanding Personal Injury Protection (PIP) Insurance

If you drive in Houston, you've probably heard of "no-fault" insurance. This means your insurance pays for your medical and other accident-related costs, no matter who was at fault. That's where personal injury protection (PIP) insurance comes in.

What is PIP Insurance?

PIP insurance is a must-have for all Houston drivers. It protects you and your passengers if you're in a car accident. It covers medical costs, lost wages, and more, up to $10,000 per person.  Talk to your insurance agent to get PIP, by adding $10,000 of coverage you may only pay an extra $100 per year; it is very inexpensive. 

Is PIP Insurance Required in Texas?

PIP insurance is not mandatory in Texas, make sure to talk to your insurance agent to add PIP and make sure they never take it off your policy.  The problem in Texas, if you just go and search for the cheapest auto insurance, often times they do not include PIP coverage.  Besides PIP, you should really ask your insurance agent to give you details about your coverage; you don't want any surprises if you have to file a claim in the future. 

  • PIP insurance covers 80% of medical bills and 60% of lost wages, up to the $10,000 limit.
  • In Texas, you must seek treatment within a year of the accident to be eligible for PIP benefits.  Just to be safe, if you are in a car accident and you have pain, go see the chiropractor and get treatment; don't wait and hope you neck pain, headaches, dizziness or Sciatica goes away on its own. 
  • PIP insurance is designed to provide quick access to medical care and lost wage reimbursement, without the need to determine fault.  This allows you to seek out the best car accident chiropractor in your town so you can get the treatment you need and back to feeling pain free again. 

Knowing how PIP insurance works in Texas can help you deal with a car accident. It ensures you get the coverage you need to heal.

Chiropractic Care and Its Role in Treating Car Accident Injuries

If you've been in a car wreck, you might have injuries like whiplash, back pain, muscle spasms, or headaches. Luckily, auto accident chiropractors are here to help. They are experts in treating these common injuries.  No other medical professional sees more auto accident injuries than the chiropractic profession; they are experts in evaluating spinal injury, misalignments and soft tissue injuries. 

Chiropractic care involves adjusting the spine, joints and helping to heal soft tissue injuries. This can help with neck pain, back pain, and headaches. A study showed that people with headaches or back pain needed more treatments.  The severity of a whiplash injury is enormous, there is no other force like it that can cause severe damage in the spine, soft tissue and nerves.

The study also found that 40.2% of cases needed ongoing chiropractic care. This is because it helps with ongoing pain and aids in recovery of spinal damage, nerve irritation and muscle spasm. Chiropractic care is especially good for whiplash injuries. Symptoms can take hours or days to show up, and this is why it is important to see a car accident chiropractor right away after a car wreck; get properly evaluated and treated. 

"Chiropractic adjustments can reduce pain throughout the entire body by releasing pain-reducing hormones."

Car accident chiropractors can fix injuries by adjusting the spine, reducing pressure on nerves and getting rid of muscle spasm and scar tissue. Chiropractic care reduces inflammation and as a result, speeds up healing. It also helps restore spinal movement and prevent scar tissue from forming. This method is a good choice for many instead of surgery or drugs, chiropractic is all natural so you don't have to worry about the sometimes-harsh side effects of medicine. 

Seeing a chiropractor soon after an accident helps with recovery. It also increases your chances of getting compensation by your insurance company. When and insurance company has to pay a claim; they want to make sure their client is getting treatment, this way they know the patient is putting forth some effort towards their recovery. So, if you've been in an auto accident, get help from a whiplash chiropractor so you can get back to doing your normal activities and hobbies without pain. 

Covered Treatments Under PIP Insurance

Personal Injury Protection (PIP) insurance in Texas covers many medical costs from car accidents. This includes chiropractic care, emergency room, medicine, and imaging like x-ray or MRI if you need it.  It's very helpful in covering your treatment costs, so you don't have to worry about money.  The great thing about PIP, is that you have no out-of-pocket costs; as long as your limits don't run out.  Limits for PIP are either $2500, $5000, $7500 or $10000, if you don't know then call and ask your insurance company or agent. 

Medical Expenses

PIP insurance pays 80-100% of your medical bills, up to $10,000 per accident. This includes hospital costs, medical supplies, and chiropractic care.  If you are unsure which car accident chiropractor to go to; ask your emergency room doctor or primary care doctor and they should be able to recommend one. 

Lost Income

PIP insurance also helps with lost wages if you can't work because of an accident. It helps ease financial stress, so you can heal without worry.

Getting medical help quickly, like chiropractic care, is key. It helps you recover and proves your treatment is needed. Working with your doctors and knowing your pip insurance coverage ensures you get what you deserve.  For most accident; where the person is injured but has no fracturs, concussions or stays in the hospital, your PIP coverage will take care of you and there is no reason to hire an attorney.  If your injuries are severe, you are in the hospital, and can't go back work then it is recommended that you hire an attorney because most likely the settlement will be significant. 

To get the most from your PIP insurance, keep good records and keep in constant contact with your insurance and adjuster.  If needed, get legal help to protect your rights. This way, you can heal while your medical costs, including chiropractic care, are covered.

Car Accident Chiropractor

If you've been in an auto accident, seeing a chiropractor right away is very important, even if you feel your injuries are not that severe. Whiplash and muscle tear symptoms might not show up for days or weeks. So, it's vital to get checked by a healthcare pro quickly.  Chiropractors will do the necessary testing and spinal evaluation to determine the extent of your injuries.  Waiting too long to see a doctor or chiropractor can not only hurt your insurance claim, but your body's ability to heal its injuries. Getting medical help fast after an accident is crucial. Hidden injuries like whiplash, Sciatica, neck or back pain can get worse if not treated early.  Often times, says Dr. Hamel, we see patients who have new and severe symptoms two weeks after their accident; the body is in shock and until it calms down; you may not feel all the aches and pains. 

Prompt Treatment for Optimal Recovery

Chiropractic care is often needed within 72 hours after an accident, as long as the patient is cleared by a medical doctor or facility of fracture or concussion.  Auto accident chiropractors offer many treatments including spinal and extremity adjustments, stretching, corrective exercises and nutritional supplements to help you heal and recover.  Seeing a car accident chiropractor quickly is important because small accidents can cause chronic pain if not treated. Common injuries include whiplash, migraines, Sciatica, shoulder pain, low back pain and neck pain. The whiplash motion can cause significant damage in the spine, facet joints, ligaments, tendons and soft tissues surrounding the spine. The biggest contributor to a patient's lack of neck or back range of motion is the injury to the spinal joints and soft tissues.  Don't delay getting the care and treatment plan you need from a chiropractor. A whiplash chiropractor can greatly improve your recovery. They help avoid long-term issues from your accident like scar tissue, joint damage and more. 

PIP Coverage Limits for Chiropractic Care

Understanding your Personal Injury Protection (PIP) insurance for chiropractic care after a car accident is key. In Texas, PIP usually covers from $2,500-$10000 for chiropractic treatments, massage and exercises. This is unless you have an emergency medical condition (EMC).

Emergency Medical Condition (EMC) and Increased Coverage

An EMC can only be diagnosed by a medical doctor (MD or DO), physician's assistant, nurse practitioner, or dentist. If you're diagnosed with an EMC, you might get more PIP coverage for chiropractic care. This means you could get more than the usual $2,500, helping you recover fully.  There is also un-insured motorist coverage if the person who hit you does not have insurance.  It's vital to work closely with your healthcare providers such as a medical doctor, chiropractor, physical therapist or pain management doctor.  This ensures you get the most from your PIP insurance for medical coverage. Knowing the coverage limits and what an EMC is helps you make smart choices about your treatment. This way, you can get the care you need to fully recover and get back to a pain free, and active lifestyle. 

"Prompt medical attention, including seeking chiropractic care, is crucial after a car accident to not only aid your recovery but also to ensure you receive the maximum coverage from your PIP insurance."

Filing a Claim for Chiropractic Care Under PIP Insurance

After a car accident, filing a claim for chiropractic care under PIP insurance can seem hard. But, it's actually easy, and your chiropractor will help you every step of the way. After you file a car accident claim, you can choose any chiropractor you want. No referral is needed. Your chosen car accident chiropractor will do a full physical exam, orthopedic testing and communicate with your insurance for you.

To make sure your chiropractic care is covered, follow these steps:

  • See your chiropractor right after the accident, and let your insurance company know who you are seeing and make sure the doctor and adjuster connect.  
  • Give your chiropractor your PIP insurance info, like your claim number, contact details and our adjusters phone number. 
  • Work with your chiropractor to show why your treatment is needed and how it's going. This is key for your insurance claim.  Make sure to follow your treatment recommendations for chiropractic care.  Make it known to the chiropractor what you want to be able to do when you are done with treatment and released.  If you want to get back to the gym, cross-fit, golf, pickleball, gardening or traveling.  After you are released from care; you should feel like you did before you got in the car accident. Chiropractic treatment plans and goals can take anywhere from 2-6 months; depending on severity of the accident. 
  • Know your PIP coverage limits and deductibles. These affect how much you'll get back.  This is very important, your PIP covers your medical bills, if you go to the emergency room and get a CT scan and medicine; all of your limits might be used up.  Remember your PIP limits are anywhere from $2500-$10000. 

By taking these steps and working with your chiropractor, you can make your PIP insurance claim for chiropractic care go smoothly.  A car accident is stressful in and of itself; so, having stress free chiropractic care will allow you to recover more quickly. 

"Chiropractic care is often a key part of getting better after a car accident. PIP insurance is meant to cover these treatments. By knowing the claims process, you can get the most from your coverage and focus on getting better."

Benefits of Chiropractic Treatment for Car Accident Injuries

After a car accident, getting quick and effective medical and chiropractic care is key. Chiropractic treatments aim to fix the root causes of your injuries, not just cover up symptoms. This approach is different from traditional medicine because it's holistic and non-invasive, helping you heal safely and naturally.  You may need some pain medicine and muscle relaxers to get you through the first couple of weeks; but as you start to feel better, they may not be necessary. 

Holistic Approach

Chiropractic care looks at your whole health, not just your injuries. Your chiropractor will do a detailed check, find the main problems, and make a treatment plan just for you. This way, you get lasting relief and better health overall.  For whiplash injury the spine, muscle and nerves are injured; this does affect your nervous system and this is why you might feel irritated or moody.  Realigning the spine reduce nervous system interference, this helps your body heal, repair and relax. 

Non-Invasive and Safe

Chiropractic adjustments and other treatments are safe and very effective.  Chiropractors use special skills and gentle adjustments to help your spine heal, reduce swelling, and get your mobility back. You won't need drugs, surgery, or other risky treatments, making chiropractic care a great choice for natural healing.  Choosing chiropractic care means you're taking charge of your recovery; you are participating in your care instead of just taking a medicine to feel better.  Whether you have whiplash, back pain, headaches, shoulder pain or other injuries from the accident, a good chiropractor can help you feel better and heal.

Reasons for PIP Claim Denial

Dealing with insurance companies after a car accident can be tough. Sometimes, your Personal Injury Protection (PIP) insurance claim gets denied. This leaves you with the financial burden. Knowing why PIP claims get denied is key to getting your chiropractic care covered.

Billing Errors

Billing mistakes by your chiropractor are a big reason for denials. Insurance companies check every billing detail. Even small mistakes can cause a denial. It's important to choose a chiropractor who knows PIP insurance well.

Gaps in Treatment

Insurance companies also look for gaps in your treatment. They expect you to get medical help right away and keep going without breaks. If there are big gaps in your care, they might say your injuries aren't as bad as you claim.

Pre-Existing Conditions

Pre-existing conditions can also block your PIP claim. Insurance companies might say your injuries are from before the accident. Keeping detailed medical records is key to proving your injuries are from the accident.  Handling PIP insurance claims can be hard, but with the right info and prep, you can get the coverage you need. Documenting your treatment and working with an experienced chiropractor can help your claim get approved.

Reason for PIP Claim Denial


Billing Errors

Insurance companies scrutinize every detail of the billing, and even minor discrepancies can lead to a denial.

Gaps in Treatment

Insurance companies expect you to seek medical attention promptly and continue your treatment without interruption.

Pre-Existing Conditions

Insurance companies may try to deny coverage for your chiropractic care if they can argue that your injuries are related to a pre-existing condition, rather than the car accident.

"Retaining legal representation improves the chances of proving the necessity and reasonableness of chiropractic treatment, essential for pursuing compensation post-accident."

Documentation for Maximum Compensation

If you've been in a car accident and need chiropractic care, keeping detailed records is key.  When dealing with a PIP claim, any medical treatment you receive will provide documentation for your insurance company.  Good documentation supports your claim and ensures you get the right compensation for your treatments.

To build a strong case, you'll need to document the following:

  • Your initial injuries and symptoms right after the accident
  • The specific chiropractic treatments you've received, including the dates and duration of each session
  • All expenses related to your chiropractic care, such as the cost of consultations, treatments, and any necessary medical devices or supplies

Making sure your doctor, chiropractor and emergency room if you went there, provide all documentation to your insurance company is important. This documentation will support your PIP insurance claim, important information like the severity of your injuries, the treatment you received and how well you are progressing.  It's important to work closely with your chiropractor to ensure all treatments and expenses are properly documented.  A car accident chiropractor will handle all of this for you, they have seen thousands of clients and know the ins and out of whiplash injury treatment. Settlement all come down to severity of damage to your vehicle and bodily injuries. 

Injury Type

Average Settlement

Back and Neck Strain


Herniated Disc


T-Bone Accident


Rear-End Collision

$20,000 - $30,000

By keeping a close eye on your chiropractic documentation and expenses, you can make sure your PIP insurance will properly compensate and take care of the doctor for your treatment This increases your chances of getting the full compensation you deserve for your recovery.  With whiplash injuries, Dr. Hamel always tells his new patients that they deserve to get their car fixed and their body fixed; just like it was before the car wreck happened.  Don't sign anything from your insurance company to settle your case until, you are sure you have completed treatment and are pain free. 

"Chiropractic treatment can assist in the recovery process after an auto accident by focusing on helping the body heal itself. It can help alleviate pain, inflammation, and aid in faster recovery."

Choosing the Right Chiropractor for Car Accident Injuries

If you've been in a car accident, picking the right chiropractor is key. Car accident chiropractors and auto accident chiropractors offer special care. They help you recover and use your Personal Injury Protection (PIP) insurance well.

When picking a chiropractor for your car accident injuries, consider these factors:

  • Experience in treating car accident injuries: Find a chiropractor with over 10 years of experience. They have a success rate of 87% in managing pain and helping patients recover.
  • Specialization in accident-related care: Choose a chiropractor who focuses on car accident injuries. They know about PIP insurance and can help with claims.
  • Personalized treatment plans: Go for a chiropractor who creates custom care plans. Patients who get tailored plans are 82% happier with their recovery than those with generic plans.
  • Look at Google reviews to see what kind of experience patients are writing about.  Make sure you find a local car accident chiropractor that has a good reputation; proximity matters, because most new patients who are involved in car accidents need lots of chiropractic care.  Often times the patient will come in daily and then 3 times a week to make sure they are getting the right chiropractic adjustments, exercises, muscle work and improved range of motion. 

Working with a car accident chiropractor or auto accident chiropractor can help you heal a lot quicker than doing nothing or just taking medicine. It also ensures you get the proper treatment covered by your PIP insurance. By picking the right chiropractor from the get go, you're on your way to a full recovery and back to your regular activities, hobbies and work schedule. 



Experience in Accident-Related Care

87% success rate in managing pain and promoting recovery

Specialization in Accident-Related Injuries

Understands PIP insurance coverage and claims process

Personalized Treatment Plans

82% higher patient satisfaction with recovery progress

5 Star Google Reviews

Picking a reputable chiropractor who will give you the right treatment plan is key

"Choosing the right chiropractor can make all the difference in your recovery from car accident injuries. Look for someone with specialized experience and a personalized approach to care."


Your PIP (Personal Injury Protection) insurance in Texas can help a lot with chiropractic care costs after a whiplash car accident. Don't wait to start getting treatment or your injuries might take longer to heal and turn in to chronic problems.  It's smart to work with a skilled and knowledgeable car accident chiropractor to get the most from your PIP.

Car accidents can cause many injuries, like whiplash, spinal problems, head trauma, and soft tissue damage. Chiropractic care helps by focusing on the musculoskeletal system. Chiropractic doctors offer accurate diagnoses and uses different techniques to lessen pain, improve mobility, and enhance function.

Knowing how PIP insurance works for chiropractic care and picking the right chiropractor is key. This way, you can handle the process well and stress free, and get the care and compensation you need. Always put your health first after a car accident, and chiropractic care is a big part of getting better.


What is PIP insurance and how does it apply to chiropractic care after a car accident?

PIP insurance helps pay for medical costs and lost wages after a car accident. It doesn't matter who was at fault. In Texas it covers necessary medical treatments, including chiropractic care, up to a certain limit.

How much chiropractic care does PIP insurance cover?

In Texas, PIP insurance covers from $2,500-$10,000 for chiropractic treatments. However, if you have an emergency medical condition, or uninsured motorist insurance, you may have more coverage.

Do I need a referral to see a chiropractor after a car accident?

No, you don't need a referral to see a chiropractor with your PIP insurance. You can choose any chiropractor you want. They will handle the insurance details for you and connect with your adjuster. 

What types of car accident injuries can chiropractic care help treat?

Chiropractic care is great for treating injuries from car accidents. It helps with neck pain, back pain, headaches, muscle spasms, and whiplash.  Most injuries sustained in a car wreck can be treated by a chiropractor except for concussion or fracture.  If you are in severe pain, have trouble thinking, blackouts, have bowel/bladder issues or numbness and weakness you will probably want to go to the emergency room. 

What do I need to do to ensure my PIP insurance covers my chiropractic care after a car accident?

To make sure your PIP insurance covers chiropractic care, see a doctor right away after your car wreck.  Make sure your chiropractor provides all detailed records of your injuries, symptoms, and treatments to your insurance company. Working with a chiropractor who has experience treating whiplash injuries is also key.  Be careful of the auto accident clinics that attorneys refer to; often times they don't get the comprehensive treatment they are looking for to fully recover. 

What happens if my PIP insurance claim for chiropractic care is denied?

Claims can be denied for many reasons, like billing mistakes or gaps in treatment. To avoid this, work with a skilled chiropractor and keep all your records up to date. Also, quickly address any issues with your insurance.  It is very unusual for a PIP claim to be denied, the most common issue may be that your PIP limits have been used up.  If your PIP limits are only $2500 and you went to the emergency room and got an X-ray and CT scan; the entire $2500 might already be used up. 

How do I use PIP insurance after a car accident?

First thing, after your car accident is to make sure you do not have a concussion or fracture. You will probably know this by your symptoms but sometimes it is hard to figure it out on your own.  After this, contact your insurance rep or if you don't have one, your insurance company to let them know you were in a car accident.  Tell them that you want to set up a claim and ask them what your PIP limits are, this is important to know so you have an idea how much funds you can use for treatment.  The PIP regular limits are either $2500, $5000, $7500 or $10000.  There may be extenuating circumstances that provide you with more coverage so definitely ask your insurance agent. 

What are my other options if I don't have PIP coverage?

It is true, not everyone has PIP added to their auto policy; if you are not sure then definitely call your insurance agent and make sure they add it.  For around a $100 extra a year, you can get $10000 worth of PIP coverage. That being said there are other options for getting chiropractic and medical care if you don't have PIP.  You can use your regular medical insurance like Aetna or Blue Cross Blue Shield; how much you have to pay all depends on if you have a co-pay or deductible.  The other option is to do self-pay, some chiropractic offices are up to 50% cash patients, meaning that 50% of their patients pay out of pocket for care.  Self-pay for chiropractic can vary, it all depends on the services you receive and the area of Houston you are located in.  If you are just looking for a spinal alignment, (chiropractic adjustment) the average cost around for Houston chiropractors is $35-$75 per visit.  If you get more comprehensive chiropractic care including soft tissue therapy and corrective exercises, you may be paying more like $125-$150 per visit.  For comparison, If you were to go get physical therapy and you didn't have insurance, you would probably pay $150-$175 per visit.

If my vehicle is a total write off after a car accident, should I get my injuries checked?

People can have severe neck pain, back pain, shoulder pain, bruising and headaches from a car accident at low speeds of 25-30 miles an hour.  If you are in a high-speed accident, 60+ miles per hour or more; this is usually when your air bags deploy and there is a good chance of your car being a total write off.  A total write off means that your insurance company doesn't think your car can be fixed; or the amount it would cost to fix it, is ridiculously high.  So, if your car is a write off, there was that much damage, then most likely your injuries are going to be more severe.  Go see a car accident chiropractor just to get an evaluation, they will evaluate your spine and injuries and let you know what they recommend.  You want a functioning car, right? So why would you not want to get your injuries fixed, so you are pain free and back to normal again?

How long do my whiplash injuries take to heal after a car accident?

There are a few factors that play a role in how long it takes to recover from car accident injuries, mostly the speed of the accident and the severity of the patient's injuries.  For uncomplicated cases, says Dr. Hamel of Hamel Chiropractic and Wellness, we look at 8-12 weeks of chiropractic care to get the patient back to pre-accident status.  Uncomplicated cases meaning no fracture, concussions or serious stays in the hospital and the patient is physically able to go back to work.  For complicated cases, these injuries are much more serious, there may be fractures, nerve damage, torn muscles and concussion; treatment can by up to 6 months.  We know patients want to get back to living their life; at Hamel Chiropractic and Wellness, we try and get patients feeling better as soon as possible, we would rather get them better in 8 weeks instead of 24 weeks.  A big part of it is the patients’ expectations; what do they want to be able to do after they are released from chiropractic care?  Some patients are sedentary and just want to be pain free doing stuff around the house, going to the grocery store or going for a walk.  Other patients expect to be able to golf, play in pickleball tournaments, walk their dog for a mile every day, travel, hike, garden or get back to cross-fit.  Bare minimum, your body take 6-8 to heal and repair; for your spinal joints to heal and get realigned, for your soft tissue injuries to heal, make sure you allow this to happen and you will be much happier in the long run.  

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Hamel Chiropractic and Wellness