Shockwave Therapy: The Future of Natural Knee and Shoulder Pain Healing!

Imagine waking up without the nagging pain in your knees or shoulders, able to move freely and enjoy life to the fullest. Shockwave therapy, a cutting-edge natural treatment, promises just that—a future where pain is a distant memory. This revolutionary therapy is changing the way we approach knee osteoarthritis and shoulder pain, offering a non-invasive, drug-free solution that gets to the root of the problem. Dive into the article to discover how shockwave therapy works and why it's becoming the top choice for those seeking lasting relief. Ready to reclaim your mobility? Find out how you can access this transformative treatment from a local Houston area provider today. Dive into this article to learn about shockwave therapy. Discover why it's the preferred choice for many. It's all about finding long-term relief from joint pain and injuries.
Key Takeaways

  • Shockwave therapy is a non-invasive, natural treatment for knee and shoulder pain
  • It uses high-energy sound waves to stimulate the body's natural healing process
  • Shockwave therapy is an effective alternative to traditional treatments like surgery or medication
  • It can provide lasting relief for conditions like knee osteoarthritis and frozen shoulder
  • Find a shockwave therapy provider near you, this could be the key to regaining your mobility and quality of life

What is Shockwave Therapy?
Shockwave therapy, or extracorporeal shockwave therapy (ESWT), is the latest, cutting-edge technology to treat injuries like rotator cuff syndrome, plantar fasciitis, and knee osteoarthritis.  It uses powerful sound waves that go into the injured area to help it heal naturally. This treatment is great for lots of conditions and injuries such as rotator cuff tendinitis, knee joint pain, carpal tunnel syndrome, foot pain/neuropathy, soft tissue/muscle injuries, and hip pain.

Understanding the Revolutionary Treatment
This treatment uses special devices to generate shockwaves which then penetrates the injured area in the form of a sound wave.  These waves agitate the injured area, increase blood flow and as a result they help with the growth of healing factors. They also break up hard deposits, calcifications, lessen swelling, and speed up healing in injured area.

How Does Shockwave Therapy Work?
Shockwave therapy taps into your body's own healing system. It sends strong sound waves to the injured area which promotes stem cells and other healing cells to come to the area.  This boosts blood flow, reduces inflammation and starts a process that breaks down calcium, removes swelling, and repairs tissue. In short, it helps heal various injured or damaged tissues which in turn helps increase movement of your shoulder, knee or ankle. 

Benefits of Shockwave Therapy for Knee Pain
Are you struggling with knee pain, especially from knee osteoarthritis? Osteoarthritis is the most common knee condition plaguing Houstonians over the age of 50. Shockwave therapy might give you the relief you are looking for, whether that be getting back to golf, going to the gym, playing in pickleball tournaments, gardening or playing ball with your kids. It's a non-invasive treatment that doesn't involve surgery or long-term medication. Many people are looking for alternatives to surgery, says Dr. Hamel, Houston area shockwave therapy provider, they just don't want to deal with the downtime and taking that strong pain medicine and muscle relaxers.  This is an all-natural solution and therapy; it is one of the few treatments that can quickly reduce pain with no side-effects. 

Non-Invasive Relief for Knee Osteoarthritis
Knee osteoarthritis can really affect your life, it will keep you sidelined from most activities like golf, or walking your dog.  Luckily, shockwave therapy for knee osteoarthritis is a great option. It works by jumpstarting your body's healings processes by bringing oxygen and stem cells into an injured area.  This also helps to lower inflammation, break down calcifications, and enhance your joint's functioning. After the therapy, many people feel less knee pain while doing their daily activities. 

Accelerated Healing for Knee Injuries
Shockwave therapy not only helps with knee osteoarthritis but can also speed up healing for various knee injuries. This includes tendinitis, bursitis, meniscus tears, and ligament tears. The therapy boosts your body's healing response by bringing in more healing factors and reducing inflammation.  With reduced inflammation and improved blood flow, injured tissues are now able to heal; this is why extra corporeal shockwave therapy, (ESWT), works so well. If you're a sports person, a cross fitter, a pickleballer, an avid gardener or just someone who loves weekends, this therapy can help you recover faster.

Shockwave Therapy for Shoulder Pain
Do you suffer with ongoing shoulder pain? Maybe you can't lift your arm over your head.  Your shoulder pain prevents you from getting dressed or doing your hair in the morning.  In that case, shockwave therapy could be the game-changer you've been looking for. This advanced therapy doesn't involve surgery and is known to help with various shoulder issues including frozen shoulder, bursitis, adhesive capsulitis, and impingement syndrome. 

Treating Frozen Shoulder Naturally
Frozen shoulder is a common cause of shoulder ache and reduced motion. It happens when the shoulder joint builds up adhesions and scar tissue and as a result many of the rotator cuff muscle can't work like they are supposed to. This limits how you can move your arm and causes a great deal of pain. Most patients just don't want to move their arm at all because of the severe pain says Dr. Hamel, he provides shockwave therapy to Kingwood area residents for their shoulder ailments.  He goes on to say, luckily, shockwave therapy is a natural answer to this, we used to see shoulder pain patients with chiropractic, massage and cold laser; this pales in comparison to shockwave therapy; we are seeing results in far less time. 
It works by jump-starting your body's own healing abilities, natural healing is way better and safer than using strong medications or harsh surgeries. The acoustic soundwaves actually help to breakdown adhesions and scar tissue which leads to less stiffness and more arm movement. Shockwave therapy is a treatment light on procedures like surgery but heavy on helping you feel better and getting you back to being active and doing pain free activities and hobbies. 

Improving Shoulder Mobility and Range of Motion
Shockwave therapy not only benefits those with frozen shoulder. It's also proven to boost overall shoulder motion and flexibility. Anyone dealing with tendinitis in the shoulder has issues with range of motion, shockwave therapy can fix this.  For athletes or anyone who loves staying active, this therapy is a key ally in fixing injuries and staying healthy. 
This approach tackles the root of shoulder pain and tightness which are inflammation, lack of blood flow and lack of oxygen and healing factors.  You'll find yourself moving more freely, making everyday hobbies or athletic activities easier. This ESWT uses sound waves to kickstart healing in a natural and non-invasive way. This offers a fresh alternative to usual treatments for shoulder conditions and give the patient a good option to delay surgery or prevent it entirely. 

"I’ve seen Dr. Hamel previously for neck and back pain, he fixed me up pretty good. Lately I had been suffering with rotator cuff problems in my left shoulder from playing tennis, and a sprained ankle. I didn’t really want to take medicine or get any kind of pain shots, so I was looking for something different. One of my friends recommended shockwave therapy, I looked it up, and Dr. Hamel was the only one in the Kingwood area providing shockwave treatments. I’ve been going in getting shockwave therapy 2x/week for about 6 weeks and my pain has decreased significantly. The shockwave therapy is not painful and helped me stay on the tennis court during my recovery. I have full range of motion in my swing without tightness/pain. My friends and I definitely recommend Dr. Hamel and his shockwave treatments for anyone suffering with shoulder pain, knee pain, ankle pain or plantar fasciitis; it just works!! There isn’t another therapy like this and no other doctors offer shockwave therapy in our north Houston area. Thanks again Dr. Hamel, I will be back in soon", Cindy F-Kingwood, TX

Shockwave Therapy Near Me
Are you looking into shockwave therapy for knee or shoulder pain? Searching Google or Bing for shockwave therapy near me is the first step. Shockwave therapy has been around for a few years but just now getting popular in the offices of orthopedic doctors, chiropractors and physical therapy centers. Due to this fact; there are not that many shockwave therapy providers in the greater Houston area. Just search for "shockwave therapy near me" to see a list of providers close to you.
Choosing the right shockwave therapy for knee pain or shockwave therapy for shoulder pain is important. You need a provider who is skilled and experienced in this area. Quality care and good results depend on picking the right expert.  In the north Houston and Kingwood, Texas area Dr. Hamel has been seeing shoulder and knee pain patients for over a year.  It is a great addition to our practice says Dr. Hamel, it is a game-changer and he believes the future of natural therapies use for accelerating healing.

Choosing the Right ESWT Doctor/Clinic
For knee or shoulder pain, the right shockwave therapy provider is key. Choose someone with experience, good reviews and that is located in your home town. They should be known for helping patients effectively so definitely check the reviews on Google, Facebook, Apple maps and more. 

Factors to Consider When Selecting a Shockwave Therapy Provider.
First, look at the provider's experience in shockwave therapy and what type of machine they are using.  The two companies leading the charge of this therapy are SoftWave and StemWave, they both use extra corporeal shockwave therapy which uses focused acoustic soundwaves.  These companies have put in the research and development for shockwave therapy; this is the Mercedes Benz of shockwave therapy; don't settle for less expensive products that you can buy online; it just doesn't get you the results says Dr. Hamel. If you are flying in a jet plane you want the highest quality, premium fuel not cheap gasoline; same goes for shockwave therapy. Using the best shockwave therapy machine works; we tell our patients that they should feel and see a difference even after their first treatment, often times a 5-15% improvement.  We use a hard rule, says Dr. Hamel, if a patient is not seeing improvement in their shoulder or knee pain after 3 visits then it probably is not going to work. This happens in about 10% of patients, for some reason they are just not responding to ESWT, we let them know up front says Dr. Hamel, we don't want them coming in for 3 months and not seeing any improvement. 

Dr. Hamel always does his best to help his patients, if they are not seeing results, he will refer them out to an orthopedic doctor or at least to get some X-ray or MRI imaging. Patients in pain deserve to get better, there are many options and therapies out there, so if shockwave therapy is not working definitely go try something else like PRP injections, cartilage injections, Cortisone, physical therapy or acupuncture. 

What to Expect During Treatment
If you've chosen to get shockwave therapy for knee or shoulder pain, you may wonder what the treatment involves. Before starting, your doctor will give you important tips. This could include not taking certain meds or avoiding specific activities beforehand.

Preparing for Your Shockwave Therapy Session
Your provider will make sure you're ready for the therapy. They might tell you to not use anti-inflammatories, strong pain medicine or do hard physical activities for a while. This helps your body react better to the therapy and makes it more effective.  You are going to be using shockwave therapy as the vehicle to get you from injured, (miserable) to pain free, (happy), so during the protocol it is wise for you to avoid injuring or aggravating the injury. 

The Treatment Process Explained
When you're getting the shockwave therapy, you might feel a bit of discomfort. The discomfort you feel is part of the healing process, the soundwave are actually irritating the damaged tissues which in turn creates a healing response.  During the therapy, a patient might feel a discomfort level of 4-6/10, especially in the areas where they have the most inflammation, this is very normal so don't be alarmed.  It's like a pulsing feeling when the strong sound waves hit your skin and penetrates deep into your joints. But the treatment is short, taking just 5-10 minutes. Your doctor will be there to help you feel as comfortable as possible and get the best results from the therapy.

Recovering After Shockwave Therapy
After shockwave therapy, you will need a short time to recover. It's key to follow your healthcare provider's advice. This helps you recover well and enjoy the therapy's full benefits.  Just make sure to not overdo it after the ESWT session, your body needs time to heal so try not to undo the benefits of the shockwave therapy. 

Potential Side Effects and Management
Some people might have mild side effects after the therapy. These can include swelling, redness, or a little pain. Your doctor will show you how to deal with these. They might suggest using ice, taking pain medicine, or wearing a compression band.  There are no harsh side effects or potential addictions like taking strong pain medicine or muscle relaxers.

Post-Treatment Care and Rehabilitation
Your doctor will also guide you on caring for the treated area. They may suggest rest, changing how you do activities, or special exercises. Following these instructions closely is essential. It helps you get the best results and avoid issues.
With the right care and following rehab advice, your recovery should go smoothly. By working with your healthcare team, you can reduce pain and get back to doing the things you love to do again without pain.  

Comparing Shockwave Therapy to Traditional Treatments
Shockwave therapy may be a better option than surgery or taking pain pills for knee and shoulder pain. It's non-invasive and does not use any medicine.  Instead, it uses the body's own healing power to help you feel better, fix damaged tissues and get back to the activities you love to do. 

Comparing the Effectiveness and Advantages
Research shows that shockwave therapy is really good at reducing pain and helping joints work better. It's better than mainstream medical treatments, because you don't have the risks of side-effects or long recovery times. In comparison, the average physical therapy session is 1 hour, the average shockwave therapy treatment is 10-15 minutes. A major benefit is doing 6-8 weeks of shockwave therapy sessions gets way better outcomes than doing physical therapy for 3 times a week for 3 months. We see this all the time with patients, says Dr. Hamel, some of our knee pain and shoulder pain patients have done 3 months’ worth of treatment, have done Cortisone shots and are not feeling any better.  With shockwave therapy the doctor knows right away, (within 3 visits), if this is going to be beneficial for you. 

Compared to traditional therapies for knee pain relief or shoulder pain relief, shockwave therapy is a great choice. There is no cutting or surgery, no need for you to take drugs for a long time. Plus, it gets your body to heal itself, making recovery quicker and easier.  When you have medical aided healing like taking medicine or surgery, this is a very un-natural process for your body to deal with and this is why it can take so long to heal.  Shockwave therapy brings about, or activates your natural healing abilities; it is that simple. 

What is shockwave therapy?
Shockwave therapy uses sound waves to stimulate healing. It's non-invasive and treats various conditions. The waves are focused on the specific area of the body that is injured like the knee, shoulder or plantar fascia. This therapy helps by reducing inflammation and increasing blood flow and oxygen to create a healing response.

How does shockwave therapy work?
Shockwaves increase blood flow and trigger healing growth. They break down calcifications and reduce inflammation. This aids the body in healing itself quicker from conditions like tendinitis and arthritis.  This therapy actually helps to regenerate damaged and injured tissues over time. 

What are the benefits of shockwave therapy for knee pain?
It's a great option for knee pain from conditions like osteoarthritis. It's non-invasive, so you can avoid surgery or taking strong medicine. Shockwave therapy speeds up healing from injuries and knee pain without risky side effects.

How can shockwave therapy help with shoulder pain?
It's effective for shoulder issues like frozen shoulder and rotator cuff tendinitis. Shockwaves help the body break down tissue contributing to stiffness and limited range of motion. This provides pain relief and improves movement without surgery.  Getting rid of tendinitis helps the patient be more active and they don't have to worry about chronic pain. 

How can I find shockwave therapy near me?
To explore shockwave therapy, find a local provider by doing an online search. Many physical therapy clinics, chiropractors and orthopedic practices offer it. Just search "shockwave therapy near me" on Google, or Bing to discover options.  In the north Houston and Kingwood, Texas area there are only a few providers so definitely read reviews and testimonials of patients who have already tried ESWT. You can watch a shockwave therapy session on Facebook, Instagram and Tik Tok to see exactly what is involved. 

What factors should I consider when selecting a shockwave therapy provider?
Choose a provider with experience and the right equipment, the best made products are from StemWave and SoftWave.  You can look for a list of providers on the company’s website and see who is close to your area. 

What can I expect during a shockwave therapy treatment?
Beforehand, your provider will advise on preparing for your session. During treatment, there might be some discomfort because of the healing response created by the sound waves. However, this is short-lived, lasting about 5 minutes. You will feel the soundwaves penetrating into the knee joint and musculature, it is part of getting rid of the inflammation and improving blood flow.

What should I expect during the recovery process after shockwave therapy?
You might have mild side effects after treatment, but these fade in a few days. Your doctor might suggest using ice to reduce inflammation and swelling and also taking natural supplements to help with joint support and healing such as glucosamine and fish oil.

How does shockwave therapy compare to traditional treatments for knee and shoulder pain?
Shockwave therapy is non-invasive and doesn't require any pain medication, it helps stimulate the body's natural ability to heal itself which is a very different approach compared to mainstream medicine. Many people with knee pain and osteoarthritis seek out alternative therapy like shockwave because they want to avoid surgery and all of the challenges that come with it. 

Does shockwave therapy work well for athletes?
ESWT works great for athletes, whether they have a severe injury or they just need to stay healthy to make it through their season.  We understand that many athletes are very competitive and training non-stop, shockwave therapy can help them through their recovery process of wear and tear on their joints and muscles. Kingwood's premier shockwave therapy clinic, Hamel Chiropractic and Wellness they see all types of athletes including tennis players, pickleballers, football players, cross-fit athletes, golfers, swimmers and competitive mud runners.  These athletes come in with a variety of aches, pains, tendinitis and injuries and shockwave therapy can keep them in the game or speed up the healing process for their more serious injuries. 

What is the average cost for shockwave therapy?
The average cost per treatment in the greater Houston area for a shockwave therapy session is $125-$150. Many providers will offer packages of sessions for a discount of 10 or more.  Sometimes medical insurance like Blue Cross Blue Shield and Aetna will cover the cost of an office visit for ESWT, but not the actual shockwave therapy procedure. 

How does the cost of shockwave therapy compare with other procedures?
Shockwave therapy is the newest, cutting-edge healing technology out there today for non-surgical pain relief, the cost of the therapy is worth it if it fixes your problem.  Take for instance PRP injections in the knee or shoulder cost $600-$900, stem cell injections cost up to $5000, average cost of orthoscopic knee surgery $6000 without insurance, average cost of knee replacement surgery is $23000 without insurance.  Of course, if you have insurance it can help, but most patients are still paying a couple thousand dollars. Out of all of these therapeutic options, Shockwave therapy is the only non-invasive procedure and this is why so many people with chronic knee and shoulder pain are giving it a try. 

What are the main reasons that people are willing to try shockwave therapy?
People who are in pain, want to get out of pain, there is no question that this is one of the reasons they are seeking out shockwave therapy.  But there is a more important reason, says Dr. Hamel, Kingwood shockwave therapy provider, what really gets them to come in for treatment is the fact that they are unable to do something or somethings that they love to do because the pain is so bad.  Here is what Dr. Hamel's patients are saying:

**I just want to play with my grandkids again, I can't do that because of my knee pain, I used to golf 5 times a week, but now I cannot golf at all, I want to be able to walk my dog every day and I can't with this knee, I have a few pickleball tournaments lined up next year and I have to get this knee better otherwise I have no chance to win, I used to ride my bike around the neighborhood and I have not been able to for months because of knee pain, I have a cruise coming up in two months and I have to be able to get around and take part in activities, I cannot play soccer with my kids or do the things I need to do at work because of knee pain. 

These are just a few reasons, patients are coming in because they are miserable, in pain and they can't do what they love to do because of knee pain, shockwave therapy is the vehicle to get them to being pain free, loving life and being active again. 

Hamel Chiropractic and Wellness