Effective Shockwave Therapy Near Me | Quick Relief

Welcome to our guide on shockwave therapy. It's known for fast relief of many conditions. We'll dive deep into what this therapy is, how it helps, and its healing powers for musculoskeletal conditions such as frozen shoulder, shoulder impingement syndrome, rotator cuff tendinitis, tennis elbow, golfer’s elbow, knee pain, knee osteoarthritis, bone on bone knee pain, Achilles tendinitis and plantar fasciitis.

Hamel Chiropractic and Wellness uses extracorporeal shock wave therapy (ESWT), this means the shockwaves, (or soundwave) are dispersed by a wand through ultrasound gel in order to penetrate deep into the joints, ligaments and tendons of the shoulder, knee, hip, elbow and ankle.

The Mechanism of Shockwave Therapy

Shockwave therapy is non-invasive. It uses high-energy sound waves that penetrate deep into the joint area that helps accelerate healing by decreasing inflammation, improving circulation and recruitment of stem cells in the area. This is one of the most natural, cutting-edge therapies helping to target damaged or injured tissue for healing and repair. This is a great alternative for patients thinking of getting surgery for shoulders, knees, carpal tunnel, elbows or hips.

How Does Shockwave Therapy Work?

The machine creates a spark and this travels sends sound waves to the area needing help. These waves make tiny irritation in the tissues, stimulating a healing response. The simplest way to think about this is that shockwave therapy starts the body healing and fixing itself. The keys to optimizing healing and repair are 3 fold:

  1. Reduced inflammation- specifically in the area of pain, such as the shoulder joint, the knee joint, the tendons of the shoulder, or the elbow joint and cartilage of the knee. An area cannot heal if there is chronic inflammation and if anything says Dr. Hamel the damage gets worse

  2. Improved blood circulation- another reason why chronic aches and pains don’t go away is because of lack of circulation. If there is not good circulation in and out of an area like the knee or shoulder; healing and repair is not going to happen. The shockwave therapy brings blood into the area whether it be the low back, the shoulder, the knee or the calf; this is one reason it is so effective. This extracorporeal shockwave therapy helps to bring more oxygen and nitric oxide to the blood vessels of the injured area helping to speed up recovery

  3. Recruitment of stem cells- stem cells are thought of as the fountain of youth for accelerating healing and repair. We have a certain amount of stem cells circulating in our body, as we get older unfortunately it is less and less. The shockwave therapy sound waves help to recruit existing stem cells in the area to come in and accelerate healing; this is something that not many therapies can do. Keep in mind this is not a stem cell therapy injection; this therapy uses existing stem cells in the area

Targeting Specific Areas for Healing

Shockwave therapy can focus exactly where it's needed. Dr. Hamel sets the intensity of the waves and how many pulses an area will receive, instead of doing just a general type therapy these sound wave target injured or damaged tissues like cartilage, ligaments, tendons, meniscus, joint surfaces and muscles. This is why shockwave therapy works so well with conditions like tendonitis, and osteoarthritis, we see these conditions often in rotator cuff/impingement syndrome, knee pain and plantar fasciitis. This treatment is non-invasive; and no numbing agents are used; the patient is meant to feel some irritation by the soundwaves in the areas where they have the most inflammation. Dr. Hamel says, that during treatment, the patient is most likely going to feel discomfort around 4-5/10; this is part of the healing process and all patients get through it with much effort. Shockwave therapy is safe for all ages; for younger patients, Dr. Hamel says we just don’t go over the growth plates so we focus more on the muscle and tendon injuries. Other than that, we have knee pain patients coming in regularly for treatments who are 65+ years old and they are able to walk out of the session feeling better. In the next part, we'll see why people like this for long-term pain relief.

Why Choose Shockwave Therapy?

Shockwave therapy is great for acute chronic pain because it naturally stimulates healing and repair. It's a non-invasive way to get quick relief. It uses strong shockwaves to heal the body from the inside. There are many ways to heal the body from the inside; but when it comes to musculoskeletal injuries, we have found that nothing compares to shockwave therapy. This method is not like surgeries that require cutting or anesthesia. You won't need a long time to get better, most patients are seeing 5-15% improvement in our office after the first visit; they are seeing improvement both in pain relief and range of motion for their knee pain, frozen shoulder or plantar fasciitis. Many patients these days, says Dr. Hamel do not want to get “cut on”, meaning they do not want to get surgery because of their age, the length of rehabilitation and their ability to heal. Our patients with tennis elbow or golfer’s elbow, can often get back to playing after just 10 shockwave therapy treatments; they don’t want surgery they just want to get back to tennis or golf or the sport that they love as soon as possible. Who does shockwave therapy work best for, really anyone, you don’t have to be an athlete or in really good shape. We have patients who want to get back to competing in pickleball tournaments or cross-fit game and we have other that want to get back to gardening and traveling the world.

Getting this therapy is quick and easy, taking only 10-15 minutes. You can go back to your day right after the therapy and no long recovery times are needed. Dr. Hamel tells his patients to be careful and not over do it after getting a shockwave therapy session. The initial healing time takes about 6-8 weeks; once the inflammation has been reduced now the damaged tissues can start healing. During the first 6-8 weeks patients are encouraged to do pain free activities, stretches and exercises; as long as they are not irritating their condition it is ok says Dr. Hamel

Make sure to always go to a skilled professional for this treatment; shockwave therapy is not for everyone and Dr. Hamel will let them know if they are a good candidate or not after the initial exam and treatment. Shockwave therapy helps accelerate healing says Dr. Hamel, but it is important to keep up with proper rehabilitation and recovery; the patient has to participate in getting better.

In short, shockwave therapy is a good pick for those who have been dealing with long-term pain or had a recent injury. Here are some reasons why:

  1. It's not invasive, so no surgeries no side effects and no down time unlike many surgical procedures.

  2. It helps your body heal naturally from the inside out; this is how it should be.

  3. No need for drugs or shots, which rarely solve the problem any way.

  4. It's proven to work on many musculoskeletal conditions such as frozen shoulder, bone on bone knee pain, Achilles tendinitis, and plantar fasciitis.

  5. It's quick and fits into your day, you don’t have to go to therapy 3X per week for an hour each time. The therapy starts at 2X per week and then goes down to 1X per week then eventually maintenance care at 1X per month.

Consider shockwave therapy if you want to avoid surgery. Talk to a healthcare expert to see if it's right for you. Our patients who are having the most success with shockwave therapy are men/women, over age 40, do not want surgery, active with sports or hobbies, tired of taking medicine, are determined, dedicated and participate in their therapy meaning shockwave therapy treatment protocol, nutritional support and corrective exercises.

Seeking Shockwave Therapy Near Me

Are you in pain and want a solution that is more alternative and natural? Shockwave therapy might just be the answer. It uses the latest tech and skilled doctors to ease a lot of chronic pain conditions. But how do you find it close to you? We're here to help.

Looking for shockwave therapy nearby means looking at certain things. First, find a place or person known for this therapy. Dr. Hamel is one of the few doctors in Houston that provide shockwave therapy for the treatments of musculoskeletal conditions or injuries, he is an expert in this area, knowing exactly where to administer the shockwaves, the kind of corrective exercises you need and he can also help you with nutritional strategies to optimize the process.

Asking your doctor, specialist, person trainer, massage therapist, coworkers or friends you trust for referrals is always a good way to go, looks for reviews to see what kind of experiences patients are having with shockwave therapy. They might have stories or know someone with a positive experience, their advice could point you in the right direction. There are a few MD’s and chiropractors in the Houston area providing shockwave therapy but it is important to get the right shockwave therapy for your needs. There is shockwave therapy for healing skin and scars, for erectile dysfunction and for musculoskeletal injuries. At Hamel Chiropractic and Wellness, they use Stemwave shockwave therapy; this is only for musculoskeletal pain conditions such as rotator cuff tears or tendinitis, tennis elbow, patellar tendinitis, plantar fasciitis, sprained ankles, low back disc pain, or carpal tunnel syndrome.

Googling "shockwave therapy near me" is another way. This search will list local clinics in your area, look at their websites to look for information, blogs, videos and testimonials of current patients who have done shockwave therapy. Shockwave therapy is pretty new so definitely searching google locally will help you find a list of providers and offices that are offering the therapy you are looking for. Choosing a shockwave therapy clinic that's easy for you to get to is vital too, you will probably need to go more than once for best results. Shockwave therapy treatments are broken down into 3 phases:

  1. Phase 1- reduce inflammation so that healing can begin, look at doing 10 treatments over the course of 6-8 weeks. Healing and especially rehabilitative exercises can only be accomplished when inflammation is gone.

  2. Phase 2- regenerative therapy happens when damage tissues get repaired; muscles, tendons and joints function at a higher level when regeneration is occurring. The phase takes a total of 24-36 visits in a period of 90-120 days.

  3. Phase 3- full repair and functionality, no limitations. After the regenerative phase is complete you will be able to fully strengthen and stabilize the area of concern and have no limitations. Whether this be pain free traveling, gardening, golf, pickleball or playing with your kids; the ultimate goal is to be able to do the things you love to do without restrictions.

By doing your homework and reaching out, you can easily find the right doctor for shockwave therapy. Say goodbye to pain by starting your shockwave therapy journey today. At Hamel Chiropractic and Wellness your initial visit includes exam, thermal scan to look at inflammation, first shockwave therapy treatment, nutritional recommendations and recommended corrective exercises.


We looked at how shockwave therapy helps with chronic pain like musculoskeletal injuries and conditions. It's a cutting edge, non-invasive therapy that does not require surgery or any kind. It uses acoustic shockwaves to help boost your body’s healing and repair mechanisms.

With this therapy, the shockwaves go to specific injured or damaged body parts such as the knee, elbow, shoulder or foot. The therapy reduces inflammation and makes blood flow better which helps tissues repair and grow new cells. Shockwave therapy is non-surgical and required no medication of any kind, as a result there is little to no side effects and no issues with taking too much medicine which may be addictive.

If you have chronic pain such as frozen shoulder, golfer’s elbow, patellar tendinitis, plantar fasciitis or facet syndrome pain in the lower back, think about trying shockwave therapy. This therapy offers both quick pain relief by getting rid of inflammation and improving circulation and also long-term relief by helping to regenerate and heal damaged tissues, cartilage and joints.


What is shockwave therapy?

Shockwave therapy is a cutting-edge technology that helps your body heal without unnecessary medicine or surgery. It uses strong acoustic sound waves to lessen pain and boost the healing process of muscles, ligaments, joints and tendons in the extremities and spine.

How does shockwave therapy work?

It works by sending strong sound waves specifically to where you feel pain. This makes your body start healing itself by reducing inflammation, bringing oxygen into the area and recruiting existing stem cells. The sound waves actually create an environment to regenerate and heal damaged tissues.

What conditions can be treated with shockwave therapy?

Shockwave therapy can help with lots of acute or chronic health conditions like muscle and joint pain, plantar fasciitis, osteoarthritis, tennis elbow, and Achilles tendinitis.

Is shockwave therapy a non-invasive treatment option?

Yes, it is non-invasive, you won’t have any incisions or surgery. The Stemwave machine sends the shockwaves where you need them from the outside in, through a wand and ultrasound gel.

How long does each shockwave therapy session typically last?

Sessions usually last from 10-15 minutes. How many sessions you need depends on what you are treating and the severity of the injuries. Rotator cuff tendinitis may take only 6-8 weeks while bone on bone knee osteoarthritis pain can take up to 12 months.

Is shockwave therapy painful?

It might be a little uncomfortable, but the majority of patients understand they are supposed to feel some discomfort while the shockwaves are getting rid of inflammation and stimulating healing. The doctor can change the shockwave strength to fit what you can tolerate, Dr Hamel says we usually start on low intensity and work our way up as the treatment go on.

How soon can I expect to experience relief with shockwave therapy?

It is not uncommon to feel a positive difference or change after the first visit; many patients reporting a 5-15% improvement in pain and also range of motion in their knee or shoulder. Each treatment builds on the last one so the cumulative effect of treatment over the first 6-8 weeks really makes a big difference. We just ask our clients to be patient and let the healing process occur; trying to avoid irritating the area of concern through phase 1 of treatment.

Is shockwave therapy a suitable treatment option for everyone?

Not for everyone, there are some contraindications to shockwave therapy: If you are pregnant, have cancer, or a problem with blood clotting, it might not be safe for you. If a patient has received a cortisone shot, they have to wait 30 days before getting shockwave therapy to make sure it is effective. When treating younger patients before their growth plates have closed, we focus the shockwave therapy on the muscles and tendons around the area but not over the joint itself.

How can I find a reputable shockwave therapy clinic near me?

Definitely look online and see if there is a network of doctors in the area that might know of a clinic who is offering shockwave therapy. In the Houston area there are only a few medical doctors, chiropractors and orthopedic doctors who offer shockwave therapy. Another good idea is to go on the doctor’s website, look at their YouTube or Instagram page to see if there are some live videos of shockwave treatments. Lastly you can look at testimonials or reviews of providers on Facebook, Google, and Zocdoc to get an idea of what patients are saying and their experience.

Is shockwave therapy covered by insurance?

Most insurance companies do not cover shockwave therapy; this is more of an alternative medical treatment and often times the insurance companies don’t see this procedure as medically necessary. Patients who have been suffering with chronic knee or shoulder pain don’t seem to mind paying out of pocket to avoid surgery and get back to doing the things they love to do like being productive at their job, going to the gym, playing tennis or pickleball, being able to help their spouse with housework, getting back to gardening and overall just being happier and more energetic.

Hamel Chiropractic and Wellness