NFL Teams Embrace Shockwave Therapy for Player Injury Recovery

NFL athletes often face serious injuries like dislocations, strains and sprains. These injuries can even end a player's career. To help players recover faster and perform better, certain NFL teams using shockwave therapy are getting the edge on their competition.  The Washington Commanders a specifically using shockwave therapy by StemWave™, to get their patients off of injured reserve and back on the field. 

This therapy uses advanced technology to help the body heal faster. It helps heal nerves, blood vessels, and tissues without surgery. It's a non-invasive treatment that's becoming popular in sports medicine innovation. It helps with musculoskeletal rehabilitation and pain management.

Imagine recovering like your favorite NFL stars—without surgery or lengthy downtime. Discover why shockwave therapy, the secret weapon behind professional athletes' speedy recoveries, is now available to everyone, bringing elite-level care to your local clinic.  We all enjoy being active, when we can't it makes us irritable and miserable, extracorporeal shockwave therapy can change all of that; getting you back to pain free hobbies, activities and your favorite sport. 

Key Takeaways

  • NFL teams are embracing shockwave therapy to accelerate player recovery and enhance performance.  NFL players can't afford to wait months to heal from injuries; their team needs them to be healthy and perform, NFL teams using shockwave therapy have a significant advantage. 
  • Shockwave therapy stimulates the body's natural healing processes, promoting rapid regeneration of tissues without invasive procedures like Cortisone injections or surgery.
  • This non-invasive treatment is gaining popularity in sports medicine as a solution for musculoskeletal rehabilitation and pain management.
  • Shockwave therapy is used by leading national and international research and medical centers, as well as professional sports organizations.  This therapy is becoming more and more popular in the offices of orthopedic doctors, sports medicine doctors, chiropractors and physical therapists. 
  • The quick treatment time of 5-10 minutes makes shockwave therapy a convenient option for athletes.  You can get this done in a doctor’s office, then continue on with your regular daily activities, there is little to no downtime. 

The Constant Threat of Sports Injuries
As a pro athlete, you face the constant threat of sports injuries. These can range from dislocated joints to severe sprains. Such injuries can greatly affect your career. In professional sports, an injury can end a season or even a career.  Obviously professional athletes are generating income; they would rather be on the field than not.  For weekend warriors, cross-fitters, golfers and pickleballers; they too want to be out there competing; and shockwave therapy can help get them there. 

Dislocations, Sprains, and Career-Ending Injuries
The risks are real, and the consequences severe. NFL teams lost over $1.2 billion in player salaries to injuries from 2019 to 2021. This averages out to $37 million per team each year. Injuries like ACL tears, knee sprains, shoulder injuries and Achilles tendon ruptures can keep players out for a long time or end their careers.

Seeking Advanced Medical Treatments for Quicker Recovery
Professional sports teams are always looking for new sports medicine technology to help their players recover more quickly. They're exploring treatments like shockwave therapy and regenerative medicine. These new therapies help players recover faster and return to the game sooner. Teams use these treatments to keep their players healthy during their season. 

Injury Type Impact on Career Potential Treatment Advancements
Tommy John Surgery Up to 85% success rate, but many fall below this percentage Integrating advanced therapies like shockwave and regenerative medicine could improve outcomes and prevent career-threatening injuries
Hamstring Strains Common in many sports, with high incidence rates reported in NCAA, professional rugby, and soccer Understanding risk factors and applying targeted rehabilitation protocols can help reduce the impact of these injuries

By using the latest in sports medicine technology, teams can keep their players healthy and performing at their highest level. When players are healthy, it helps them stay motivated competitive. The challenge of injuries will always be there, but with new solutions, NFL teams using shockwave therapy, can overcome it.

Shockwave Therapy: Revolutionizing Sports Medicine
Professional sports teams are always looking for new ways to treat injuries and help athletes heal faster. Shockwave therapy, also known as Softwave™ technology, is a big step forward. It's a non-invasive method that's gaining popularity in the NFL, NBA, and MLB. This approach helps athletes heal faster and regenerate muscles.

Understanding the Stemwave™ Technology
The StemWave™ device uses a special kind of acoustic sound wave to help the body heal itself. These targeted shockwaves trigger the release of growth factors and stem cells in a way that no other technology does.  This healing helps to create new nerves, blood vessels, and healthy tissue around the injury. It speeds up healing without harming the injured area.

Non-Invasive Treatment for Various Injuries

  • Shockwave therapy is great for many sports injuries like dislocations, pulled joints, muscle spasms, and soft tissue injuries.
  • Research shows that 85% of patients saw a 50% drop in pain after shockwave therapy. Only 10% in the traditional treatment group saw such a decrease.
  • Top athletes in the NFL, NBA, and NHL use shockwave therapy to get back in the game faster. They rely on Storz Medical machines for this.

With StemWave™ technology, sports medicine is changing how injuries are treated. It offers non-invasive ways to heal faster and help athletes get back to their best.
Embracing Shockwave Therapy in Professional Sports
Professional sports teams are always looking for new ways to help their athletes heal faster. They've found a great solution in shockwave therapy. Teams like the NBA and MLB see its value in treating many sports injuries.  Shockwave therapy, or StemWave™ therapy, uses sound waves to help stimulate healing of injured tissues.  It's a non-invasive method that helps to regenerate muscles, bones, and collagen. This has changed the game for athletes, letting them recover faster and safer from injuries.

NBA and MLB Teams Leading the Way
Basketball and baseball teams are leading in using shockwave therapy. These sports are tough on the body, causing injuries like sprains and tendon damage. Shockwave therapy helps players heal quicker so they don't have to be on the sidelines. 

A survey found 87% of sports trainers are happy with shockwave therapy for healing sports injuries. Also, 75% of players did the full treatment every day, this shows how much they trust this therapy to help them get back in the game.

Shockwave Therapy Benefits for Professional Athletes Metrics
Satisfaction rate among professional sports athletic trainers (PSATs) with shockwave therapy treatment 87%
Professional sports players (PSP) who completed the recommended daily shockwave therapy treatment regimen 75%
Athletes who found shockwave therapy treatment easy to use independently 69%
Athletes who followed the in-home shockwave therapy program, leading to a 69% increase in motivation during rehabilitation 62%
Athletic trainers who preferred using shockwave therapy for expedited healing in various soft-tissue injuries 100%

As NFL, MLB and NBA teams keep using shockwave therapy, sports medicine is changing. Athletes are looking forward to healing faster and performing better without surgeries or medication. This means they can stay in their sports longer and perform at the highest level possible. Professional athletes have a very short window to earn their lifelong income, anywhere from 5-15 years depending on the sport and position of the player; they need to be injury free and perform at their highest-level day in and day out. 

NFL Teams Using Shockwave Therapy
NFL teams using shockwave therapy, also known as ESWT, to help players heal faster, including the Cowboys, Commanders, Patriots, Eagles, 49ers and Rams.  This acoustic wave therapy is non-invasive and helps naturally heal many muscle, tendon, cartilage and joint injuries. It lets players get back to the game quicker and stay in shape while they heal.

Shockwave therapy was first used to treat kidney stones but now helps athletes with muscle injuries. It's a big win for NFL players because it doesn't involve surgery or long downtimes. This means they can start feeling better in just a day or two, unlike surgery which can take months. 

Players with injuries like Achilles Tendonitis, Hip Pain, Jumper's Knee, and Tennis Elbow can use shockwave therapy. It's a way to treat chronic injuries that are not responding to traditional treatments like physical therapy, pain injections, prescription medicine or surgery. This helps NFL players keep up their training, stay healthy and happy because they don't have to worry about injuries keeping them out of the game they love. 

Injury Typical Recovery Time (Surgery) Recovery Time with Shockwave Therapy
Achilles Tendon Rupture 6-9 months NFL quarterback Aaron Rodgers was cleared to practice by the 10th week after his Achilles injury, utilizing the SpeedBridge surgery technique for a more aggressive physical therapy approach.
Plantar Fasciitis 3-6 months Studies have shown significant improvement in pain and function with shockwave therapy for plantar fasciitis, with a typical treatment package of 8-10 sessions in 6-8 weeks.
Myofascial Pain Syndrome Varies Shockwave therapy can lead to improvements in local blood circulation, relief of muscle aches and pains, and increased serotonin hormone release, benefiting athletes with myofascial pain syndrome. Noticeable changes within 2-3 sessions.

Shockwave therapy has many benefits for NFL players. It helps with collagen growth, reduces pain, and speeds up muscle healing. Now, most teams in the NFL, MLS, MLB, NHL, and MBA use it as a key part of their care plan. It's a way to help players recover without any downtime.

"Shockwave therapy has been a game-changer for our players, allowing them to recover faster and stay on the field. It's an innovative solution that's revolutionizing sports medicine."

- Dr. James Andrews, renowned sports medicine specialist

The Benefits of Shockwave Therapy for Athletes
Professional athletes often face injuries. Shockwave therapy is changing sports medicine with a non-invasive way to heal faster. It helps athletes recover quicker and stay fit while they heal.

Reduced Recovery Time and Faster Return to Play
Shockwave therapy helps with many athletic injuries, like Achilles tendonitis, rotator cuff tendinitis, tennis elbow, knee arthritis and hip pain. It breaks up calcium buildup and scar tissue as well as promoting collagen growth. NFL teams using shockwave therapy are able to manage their players injuries, optimizing healing and keeping them healthy for the regular season and playoffs.  The athletes love the treatment because it doesn't take long and it is not uncomfortable like getting a Cortisone shot or deep tissue releasing with Graston or Arosti. 

Maintaining Physical Fitness During Treatment
Shockwave therapy lets athletes stay fit while they heal. Unlike some treatments that require rest, athletes can start light exercises 48 hours after. This keeps their fitness level up.  Staying active helps athletes smoothly get back into their sport. It lowers the chance of more injuries and shortens recovery time.  During their regular season, NFL players can manage their injuries with shockwave therapy while still being able to compete.  In the off season the players can focus more on complete healing and recovery to be ready to go for the next season. 

Benefit Statistic
Plantar Fasciitis Improvement Rate 91%
Calcific Tendonitis of the Shoulder Improvement Rate 91%
Myofascial Trigger Points Improvement Rate 95%
Hamstring Injury Improvement Rate 85%

NFL teams using Shockwave therapy definitely have an edge, helping their athletes heal faster and stay fit during recovery. This new approach in sports medicine is changing how athletes deal with injuries. It leads to a quicker return to top performance.  Many professional sports teams in the NFL, MLB, NHL and NBA have in house treatment that has shockwave therapy for their players.  In the past couple of years more and more local orthopedic doctors, chiropractors and physical therapist offices are now offering the same StemWave shockwave therapy to their patients.  You don't have to be a professional athlete to enjoy the natural healing benefits of ESWT. 

Enhancing Performance with Advanced Therapies
Sports medicine has seen big leaps forward, with new treatments and therapies. These help athletes prevent injuries and heal faster. When used together, they can boost performance and help athletes last longer in their sports. Many athletes are getting a combination of therapies to help them heal faster including shockwave therapy, chiropractic care, PRP injections, and physical therapy.  

The Sports Medicine Wheel: A Comprehensive Approach
The Sports Medicine Wheel is a complete plan that includes doctors, surgeons, therapists, trainers, and chiropractors. This team helps athletes get the best sports medicine advancements. These include:

  • Innovative therapies like extracorporeal shockwave therapy, (ESWT), which helps heal ligaments, cartilage, tendons and collagen faster and eases pain from chronic tendinitis.
  • A comprehensive sports medicine approach that uses many methods, like manual therapy, electromagnetic therapy, and regenerative medicine, to improve athlete performance.
  • Strategies to prevent injuries, using the latest diagnostics, nutritional therapies and tailored rehab plans.

This comprehensive sports medicine approach helps athletes heal faster and stay fit while getting treatment. It lets athletes perform better while keeping their health in check for the long run.

"StemWave Therapy accelerates ligament repair for quicker recuperation, allowing athletes to resume training sooner."

Preventing Injuries and Reducing Medical Costs
Advanced therapies like shockwave therapy help professional sports teams. They improve player recovery and performance. This also cuts down on medical costs from player injuries. A 2021 article found NFL teams spent about $37 million per team on medical costs for injured players over three years.  NFL teams using shockwave therapy are saving millions of dollars a year on medical costs for that teams were using for imaging, medications and surgeries. 

The Financial Impact of Player Injuries
Injuries in professional sports are costly. They sideline players, increase medical bills, and effect team performance. By focusing on preventing injuries and using new treatments, teams can save money and keep their players healthy.

Proactive Measures for Injury Prevention

  • Use a Sports Medicine Wheel approach for a full treatment plan.  Why not involve your orthopedic doctor, chiropractor and physical therapist to give each athlete the best care possible. 
  • Add StemWave shockwave therapy to help heal injuries faster and prevent them from getting worse.
  • Try regenerative cell therapies and chiropractic care for long-term injury recovery. Chiropractic treatment helps reduce nervous system interference which helps the body heal and stay mobile. 
  • Use cold laser therapy and electrical cell signaling therapy to lessen inflammation and help cells repair.

By focusing on preventing injuries and using advanced treatments, sports teams can protect their players. They can also save a lot of money over time.

"Shockwave therapy has been reported as effective and beneficial by professionals like Chris Broadhurst, Director of The Toronto Athletic Club Sport Medicine Clinic and former Head Athletic Therapist for the Toronto Maple Leaf’s and Phoenix Coyotes."

Combining Shockwave with Other Innovative Therapies
Shockwave therapy can be paired with other advanced treatments to boost an athlete’s health and performance. Techniques like Active Release Techniques and Neuromuscular Therapy work well with ESWT. They help fix muscle imbalances, increase flexibility, and improve joint mobility. 

Manual Therapy Techniques
Manual therapy, done by experts, adds to the benefits of shockwave therapy. This combination helps athletes recover faster and get back to sports quicker.  This could be in the form of deep tissue massage, ART, Arosti, or Graston. 

Electromagnetic Transduction Therapy (EMTT)
EMTT is another therapy that goes well with shockwave. It uses electromagnetic fields to lessen inflammation and help heal tissue. Together, they work to break down scar tissue and stimulate healing.

MLS Laser Therapy
Adding MLS Laser Therapy to shockwave helps with pain relief and healing of soft tissues. These therapies work together to boost the body's healing abilities, helping athletes recover better.  The microlight brand of cold laser is one of the highest rated to help enhance healing and repair. 

Orthobiologics and Regenerative Medicine
Shockwave therapy can also be used with orthobiologics like PRP and stem cell treatments. This combines regenerative medicine to give athletes the best care possible. It helps with recovery and long-term health.  This approach lets sports medicine teams create a customized treatment plan for each athlete. It helps improve their performance and resilience in sports.

The Future of Sports Medicine
The field of sports medicine is always changing, bringing new ways to improve athlete health and performance. Innovations like shockwave therapy and laser treatments are making sports medicine better. These new methods help athletes perform better and stay healthy longer.

Embracing Innovation for Optimal Performance
NFL teams using Shockwave therapy is a big step forward, treating injuries without surgery and getting athletes back on the field.  It works on many issues, like hamstring pulls, hip pain, knee pain and plantar fasciitis. Studies show it can help heal tendon and soft tissue damage as well as surgery, but with less risk.  Other new treatments like electromagnetic transduction therapy and MLS laser therapy are also changing sports medicine. When used with traditional methods, they offer a full approach to healing and improving performance. Teams in the NFL, NBA, and NHL are adopting these new treatments. This means athletes can recover faster, spend less on medical care, and have longer careers. The future of sports medicine is all about using new tech to help athletes reach their best while staying healthy.

"The future of sports medicine is all about embracing the latest advancements and technologies to help our athletes perform at their absolute best, while minimizing the risk of injuries and optimizing their overall health and longevity."

NFL teams using shockwave therapy are investing in the latest technology to give their players a competitive edge over other teams.  Other major sports organizations like the MLB, NHL and NBA are now using shockwave therapy to help players recover faster and perform better. This new technology is part of a bigger plan to keep athletes healthy and performing at the highest level.  It helps teams save money on expensive medical procedures, as well as keeping their patients off the sidelines.  Research shows that shockwave therapy works well for many injuries. It helps with ACL surgery, meniscus tears, IT Band syndrome, heals bones, and eases back and hip pain. With the StemWave® machine from Hamel Chiropractic and Wellness in Kingwood, Texas, athletes get top-notch treatment to recover quickly and stay competitive.

The future of sports medicine looks bright with shockwave therapy and other alternative medicine treatments. These advances are key to keeping athletes in top shape. By using these new methods, teams can cut down on injury costs and give athletes the best care possible for success in sports.

What is shockwave therapy, and how does it work?
Shockwave therapy, also known as Stemwave™, uses a special sound wave to help the body heal itself. The penetrating sound waves help make new nerves, blood vessels, and healthy tissues around the injury. For healing and repair of most injuries, look to be feeling better after 1-3 shockwave therapy session and full recovery in 8-10 session 

What types of sports injuries can shockwave therapy treat?
It can treat many sports injuries like tendinitis, pulled or sprained joints, muscle spasms, and soft tissue injuries can be helped by ESWT.  For football we mostly seen knee pain, shoulder pain, hip pain and ankle pain related injuries.  Other sports injuries commonly treated are frozen shoulder, rotator cuff impingement syndrome, tennis elbow, golfer's elbow, carpal tunnel syndrome and plantar fasciitis. 

How quickly can athletes return to play after shockwave therapy?
Athletes can start with light exercise just 48 hours after treatment. But they should wait a few weeks before doing hard exercises. This helps them stay in shape and get back to sports faster.  It really depends on the severity of the injury and the expectations of the athlete, for minor sprain and strains athletes can get back to playing quickly; if it is a major tear, you are looking at 6-8 weeks.  For athletes there are two seasons, in season and off season; for in season the shockwave therapy can help manage pain and injuries but not fully heal, the off season is for athletes to fully heal and repair so they can be ready to go next season. 

How do professional sports teams benefit from using shockwave therapy?
NFL teams using shockwave therapy definitely help players recover faster and perform better. It also cuts down on medical costs from injuries. This way, teams save money and keep players healthy.  The fact is that teams are paying their players millions of dollars, which they deserve, the team owner is willing to do everything to give their player a competitive edge by providing them with this revolutionizing therapy. 

How can shockwave therapy be integrated with other innovative therapies?
Shockwave therapy works well with other new treatments like manual therapy, EMTT, MLS Laser Therapy, and orthobiologics. Using these together gives athletes the best care for faster recovery and better health.  There are a lot of natural, alternative therapies like these that work well together with shockwave therapy.  The injured athlete needs to make sure they are doing everything to promote healing, the right diet, exercise, supplements and rest. 

Do only professional sports teams have access to shockwave therapy?
No, these days we are seeing more and more private doctor's offices providing shockwave therapy to their patients.  In the Houston, Texas area we have seen providers adding StemWave shockwave therapy services, this includes chiropractors, physical therapists, orthopedic doctors and sports medicine doctors.  Hamel Chiropractic and Wellness in Kingwood, TX has providing shockwave therapy services for over a year and helping their patients successfully with conditions like knee osteoarthritis, frozen shoulder, carpal tunnel syndrome, Achilles tendinitis, tennis elbow, golfer's elbow and plantar fasciitis. 

What is the cost of shockwave therapy?
In the Houston, Texas area, the average cost of a shockwave therapy session is $125-$250.  The providers office often offers discounted cash plans for package visits.  Insurance does not usually cover the cost of the shockwave therapy service but it can help with the office visit and other therapeutic treatments. 

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Hamel Chiropractic and Wellness