Chiropractic Care for Degenerative Disc Disease

Are you suffering from degenerative disc disease and looking for a non-surgical treatment option in Kingwood, Texas? Consider chiropractic care for managing your condition and finding relief. Chiropractic treatment for spinal degeneration offers a holistic approach that focuses on improving your spinal health and reducing the symptoms associated with disc degeneration.

Degenerative disc disease is a common condition that affects the spine, causing pain, stiffness, and limited mobility, we usually see this in our neck and back pain patients who are over 50 years old says Dr. Hamel. Traditional medical treatments often involve surgery or rely heavily on medication. However, at Hamel Chiropractic in Kingwood they provide an alternative solution to medicine using spinal realignment adjustments, corrective exercises, shockwave therapy and holistic vitamins to help accelerate the healing process. 

With chiropractic treatments, your chiropractor will use various techniques to address the underlying issues related to degenerative disc disease. This may include spinal adjustments, therapeutic exercises, shockwave therapy, nutritional recommendations and lifestyle modifications. These approaches are designed to relieve pain, improve spinal function, relief pressure from the discs and promote natural healing.

By seeking chiropractic care for your degenerative disc disease from Hamel Chiropractic and Wellness you can expect personalized treatment plans for your specific targets and goals. Dr. Hamel will work closely with you to understand your symptoms, assess your spinal health, and develop a comprehensive plan for managing your condition.  To reduce symptoms of disc bulges or herniations we have to alleviate inflammation in the area so that healing can begin says Dr. Hamel; this is the first phase of chiropractic care.

So, if you are looking for a natural and effective way to manage degenerative disc disease, chiropractic care may be the solution you've been searching for. Explore the benefits of chiropractic treatment for degenerative disc disease and take control of your spinal health today.

Understanding Spinal Disc Degeneration

In this section, we will delve into what degenerative disc disease is and how it affects the spine. Degenerative disc disease refers to the gradual breakdown of the intervertebral discs, which are the cushions that provide support and flexibility to the spine.  It is surprising, says Dr. Hamel, that most of his new low back pain patients coming in over 50 have some form of degeneration in the spine; usually seen on X-ray or MRI. As you can see above, the image on the left shows the disc material bulging; this is like jelly coming out of a jelly donut when you squeeze it.  When disc material leaks out, (red), this is the disc degenerating causing extra pressure on the nerves, (yellow), coming out of that area of the spine.  

As we age, the discs naturally lose their water content, making them less effective at absorbing shock and maintaining spinal alignment. This can lead to a range of symptoms, including back pain, stiffness, numbness, and tingling sensations in the affected area. A sedentary lifestyle which many of us have these days can also contribute to extra stress in the neck or low back leading to disc pressure and degeneration.  Being active and mobile helps keep the disc healthy through nerve stimulation and blood flow; this is key as we are getting older. Specific core stability exercises to help with disc degeneration are a key to restoring health and function. 

A holistic chiropractic approach to disc degeneration takes into account the interconnectedness of the body and focuses on addressing the underlying issues contributing to degenerative spine issues. Rather than solely targeting the symptoms, chiropractors aim to enhance the body's natural healing abilities and promote overall wellness.

By employing a variety of techniques, such as spinal adjustments, manual therapies, rehabilitative exercises, and lifestyle modifications, chiropractors can help manage spinal disc degeneration and improve the overall health of the spine. In the image below Dr. Hamel is using specific shockwave therapy treatment to reduce inflammation to help with healing and repairing of low back degenerative disc disease. 

Throughout this section, we will explore the intricacies of degenerative disc disease and the holistic chiropractic approach to treating this condition. Gain a deeper understanding of how chiropractic care can provide alternative solutions for managing degenerative spine issues and improving your quality of life.

Chiropractic Treatments for Degenerative Spine Disease

In the management of degenerative disc disease, Hamel Chiropractic and Wellness offers a range of non-surgical treatment options that can effectively alleviate pain, improve function, and promote overall spinal health. Through targeted chiropractic adjustments, a multifaceted approach tailored to each individual's needs, chiropractors can provide solutions for degenerative spine conditions.

Spinal Adjustments

Chiropractic adjustments, also known as spinal manipulations, are a cornerstone of non-surgical treatment for degenerative disc disease. These manual techniques involve gentle, controlled movements by the chiropractor to realign the spine and relieve pressure on the affected discs. By restoring proper spinal alignment, adjustments can alleviate pain, improve mobility, and promote the body's natural healing process.

Corrective Exercises

Chiropractors may prescribe corrective postural exercises that target the specific muscles and structures supporting the spine. These exercises can help strengthen the back, improve flexibility, and enhance overall spinal stability. By engaging in regular disc healthy therapeutic exercises, individuals with degenerative disc disease can optimize their spinal function and mitigate the progression of the condition.

Lifestyle Modifications

Chiropractic solutions for degenerative spine conditions often involve adopting lifestyle modifications that contribute to long-term spinal health. Chiropractors may offer guidance on ergonomics, posture correction, and strategies to minimize activities that exacerbate the symptoms. By making these positive changes in daily life, individuals can reduce stress on the spine and support the effectiveness of chiropractic treatments. Most all of our new patients, says Dr. Hamel, sit at a computer for 6-8 hours a day, this posture puts significant stress on the discs of the cervical and lumbar spine.  Getting in a habit of doing simple, postural exercsies throughout the day can help keep the spine and discs healthy and strong. 

Creating Balance and Relief

Chiropractic treatments for intervertebral disc degeneration aim to create balance within the body, optimizing spinal alignment and function. Through a combination of spinal adjustments, therapeutic exercises, and lifestyle modifications, chiropractors specialize in helping individuals find relief from the pain and discomfort associated with degenerative spine conditions.

Chiropractic Treatments for Degenerative Disc Disease


Spinal Adjustments

- Alleviates pain
- Restores proper alignment
- Improves mobility

Corrective/Therapeutic Exercises

- Strengthens the back
- Enhances flexibility
- Optimizes core and spinal stability

Lifestyle Modifications

- Reduces stress on the spine
- Supports treatment effectiveness

Benefits and Considerations of Chiropractic Care For Degenerative Disc Disease in Kingwood, Texas.

When it comes to managing degenerative disc disease, chiropractic therapies offer a range of benefits that can help improve your quality of life. At Hamel Chiropractic and Wellness we focus on non-surgical approaches to treat degenerative spine issues, providing natural and holistic solutions to alleviate pain, discomfort, and support the health of the discs.

One of the key benefits of chiropractic care for degenerative spine issues is that it targets the root cause of the problem. Chiropractors use gentle spinal adjustments to realign the vertebrae, reducing pressure on the affected discs and promoting healing. This hands-on approach aims to restore proper spinal alignment, improve nerve function, and reduce inflammation, which can lead to long-lasting relief from pain and improved mobility.

Another advantage of chiropractic therapy is its ability to address degenerative disc disease without the need for surgery or invasive procedures. Chiropractic treatments offer a non-invasive and drug-free alternative, making it a safer option for those who prefer to avoid medication or surgery. Additionally, chiropractic care often incorporates complementary therapies such as therapeutic exercises and lifestyle modifications to support the healing process and enhance overall spinal health.  When comparing chiropractic treatments to back surgery for degenerative disc disease, chiropractic is far safer and the least amount of side effects.  There is a time and place for back surgery says Dr. Hamel, but I would not recommend it to my patients unless they had tried all other options. 

While chiropractic care can provide significant benefits for degenerative spine issues, it's essential to consider a few factors when seeking treatment. It's crucial to choose a licensed and experienced Kingwood chiropractor who specializes in treating degenerative disc disease. They will assess your condition, create a personalized treatment plan, and monitor your progress to ensure optimal results.

How To Schedule An Appointment For Disc Degenerative Disease

At Hamel Chiropractic and Wellness we have been treating new patients with cervical and lumbar disc bulges, disc herniations and degenerative disc disease for over 24 years.  We will customize a plan of chiropractic adjustments, corrective exercises, nutritional support and for very serious cases shockwave therapy.  All of these modalities are natural and non-invasive to help get our patients feeling better as quickly as possible without side effects. To get started you can call, live message or book an appointment online.


Author: Dr. Tyler Hamel

Hamel Chiropractic and Wellness