Maximize Your Insurance: Get the Best Care for Car Accident Whiplash Injuries

Maximize Your Insurance: Get the Best Care for Car Accident Whiplash Injuries

Even a minor car accident can lead to whiplash or a neck injury. Many get better in a few weeks. But for others, whiplash can stick around for a long time. It's key to get a car accident settlement that helps with the injury's costs. Getting insurance companies to pay up can be tough, since whiplash is hard to spot. This can mean a hard fight for fair compensation. But, don’t lose hope just yet. This article has tips to guide you through the insurance claims process, how to get the best settlement, and knowing when to take legal action. Keep reading to learn more.

Key Takeaways

  • Chiropractic care is effective for managing neck, back, and spine pain after a car accident.
  • Auto insurance policies may provide coverage for chiropractic treatment through Personal Injury Protection (PIP) or Medical Payment Coverage (MedPay).
  • Thorough documentation of injuries and treatments is crucial to secure insurance coverage for chiropractic care.
  • Seeking legal representation can help maximize your whiplash injury compensation.
  • Patience and persistence are key when dealing with insurance companies during the settlement process.

Understanding Whiplash Injuries and the Basics of Compensation Claims

Whiplash happens when the head moves abruptly backward and then forward. This is common in rear-end car accidents. This sudden movement can injure the soft tissues in the neck, upper back, low back and even extremities.  It might lead to symptoms like neck pain, headaches, dizziness, numbness, headaches, shoulder pain and more. 

Defining Whiplash and Its Symptoms

Whiplash is a serious injury with varying symptoms. These can include neck pain and stiffness, bruising, swelling, inflammation and headaches. People might also feel dizzy or have trouble focusing and may even have a concussion from the force of the car accident. Other victims could experience fatigue, and severe pain in their shoulders, hips or back.

Seeking Immediate Medical Attention for Whiplash

It's key to see a doctor right after a car accident, even if you feel fine. Whiplash symptoms might show up later. A good check-up records your health status and any hidden injuries. This is important evidence when claiming compensation for whiplash.  If you are feeling dizzy and have brain fog, definitely go to the hospital so they can check for a concussion. If you are cleared for concussion and/or a fracture you should begin therapy from a chiropractor or physical therapist right away.

Your doctor might do some tests like X-rays or MRIs to check for any spine or soft tissue damage. These can show how severe your whiplash is and help plan your treatment.

"Seeking immediate medical attention after a car accident is essential, even if you don't feel any immediate pain or discomfort. Whiplash symptoms can take time to manifest, and getting a proper diagnosis and treatment plan can make all the difference in your recovery."

Getting checked right away; you do not want this coming back to haunt you in the future. When filing a PIP insurance claim, the insurance company needs to see all of the records that you went to a medical doctor and chiropractor to determine how much treatment they want to cover.  People file insurance for damage to their vehicle; and if your car is damaged there is a good chance that your spine, muscles and tendons are injured to some degree.

The Role of Medical Documentation in Supporting Your Claim

Getting compensation for whiplash from a car accident leans heavily on medical records. They prove your injuries and their seriousness to insurers.  If you go to the emergency room, your primary care doctor or chiropractor; the insurance company wants to see all records to get an idea of your injuries and the treatment you need. 

Importance of Medical Records as Evidence

Your medical records tell the story of your injury, treatment, and recovery. They show insurers the true impact on your life and health. Strong records help prove how much you've suffered and what help you still need.  With all PIP coverage, insurance companies like USAA, Farmers, Geico and Travelers like to communicate with the chiropractor to understand their clients’ injuries and treatment plan. Follow your doctors’ recommendations for treatment in order to recover quickly and also satisfy your insurance company. 

Documenting the Progression of Whiplash Injuries

Whiplash injuries can take time to show up, sometimes it can take up to a week for certain symptoms to reveal themselves.  Depending on the severity of your spinal and soft tissue injuries, you may need 8 weeks of chiropractic treatment or 4 months; you want to recover completely and be able to do your daily activities without worrying about neck or back pain Keeping a record of your treatments and how the injury changed your life is important. It shows the true cost of the accident to you.

Research says detailed chiropractic treatment and notes lead to better health after accidents. They also make insurers more willing to pay for your treatment.

Documentation Type

Benefit to Claim

Medical Bills

Demonstrates the financial impact of your injuries

Chiropractic/Physical Therapy Records

Shows the progress and challenges in your recovery

Daily Activity Logs

Highlights the limitations and disruptions to your daily life

Good medical records make your case for fair compensation stronger. They ensure the insurance company sees exactly what you've gone through.

Strategies for Maximizing Your Whiplash Injury Compensation

Dealing with insurance adjusters is part of your whiplash injury claim. At the start, insurance companies might offer you less money, so make sure you do not accept any offers until you feel like you are fully recovered; back to the way you felt before the accident.  Just like your damage vehicle should be completely repaired, you must ask for a settlement that covers all your treatment, medicine and time away from work. 

Negotiating Tactics with Insurance Adjusters

When you're talking to insurance companies, knowing how to negotiate is important. Here are some tips. Remember to be nice and to not take anything personal, it is important to remain calm and communicate what is happening since your car accident:

  • Give them a lot of details: Show them your medical records, bills, and how much you've lost in wages. This proves how much your injury has affected you.
  • Show how bad your injury is: Explain how your injury has changed your life, especially if the effects are long-term.  Some people need to take a small amount of time off from work while others might be unable to perform their work activities for months after a whiplash injury. 
  • Keep talking: Don't stop after their first offer. You can ask for more.  Make sure to negotiate on your behalf; you deserve to be fully recovered from any injuries that occurred from the car wreck; don't be quick to settle. 
  • Get expert advice: It might help to have another doctor or an expert who can back up your claim about the seriousness of your injury.  The insurance company will get notes from any doctor you see, this may include X-ray or MRI reports. Make sure any medical doctor, emergency room facility or chiropractor sends all of their documentation to the insurance company. 

Building a Strong Case with Legal Representation

Hiring a good personal injury lawyer can make a big difference in your whiplash injury case. They can gather important evidence and talk to the insurance people for you. Your lawyer knows how to work with the insurance rules to get you a good deal. They can give you advice to make sure you get the most money possible.  By being smart in how you negotiate and by having a good lawyer on your side, you can improve your chances of getting a good settlement. This is what you deserve for your whiplash injury.

At Hamel Chiropractic and Wellness, they do not accept any LOP cases or cases with attorneys. They accept PIP coverage from all major insurance companies like Geico, USAA, Farm Bureau of Texas, Farmers and Progressive.  The common limits for PIP for chiropractic care are $2500, $5000, $7500 or $10000, you can check with your insurance company to get more details. 

Calculating Your Whiplash Claim's Worth

Determining a whiplash settlement's value isn't simple. But, the "multiplier method" is widely used to find potential damages. This way involves multiplying your medical costs by 1 to 5. The number depends on how bad your injuries are and how they affect daily life.

The Multiplier Method for Estimating Damages

The multiplier varies based on many factors. It looks at things like the need for ongoing care and wages lost. Cases with more pain, less movement, and more medical care get a bigger multiplier. This means you could get more money to cover how much your life changes.

Factors Affecting the Severity of Whiplash Injuries

  • The speed and force of the collision
  • The position of your head and neck at the time of impact
  • Any pre-existing medical conditions you may have
  • Did the airbags go off
  • Have you been in a car accident before
  • Did you lose consciousness

Whiplash injuries can be very different in how serious they are. How it affects you both physically and mentally is what matters. The more serious your case, the higher the settlement. This money helps pay for medical care, lost work time, and the stress and pain you go through.

"Whiplash is the most common injury sustained in car accidents, according to the American Chiropractic Association."

To get the most from your whiplash claim, learn what factors into its value. Working closely with your doctor, make sure you find a car accident chiropractor that has many years of experience treating whiplash injuries. Be patients, this is always a stressful time to go through, try and stay calm and do the things you need to do for your case.

Seeking a car accident chiropractor for Whiplash Treatment

If you’re in a car accident, a skilled car accident chiropractor is key for your recovery. They focus on diagnosing and treating injuries connected to whiplash, such as neck and back pain. These specialists are crucial for your post-accident care, just hoping that you will feel better is not the way to go, this will commonly come back to haunt you with future aches and pains.

Whiplash symptoms might not show for up to 48 hours to one week. Because of this, getting checked early and monitoring your health is important. It's advised to visit a chiropractor in the first three days after the accident as long as you are cleared for concussion or spinal fracture.  Doing so can deter further injury and aid your insurance claim. Usually, this care is paid for by PIP or MedPay insurance, so treatment costs shouldn’t worry you.

Chiropractors use various methods to treat whiplash, like spinal adjustments, corrective exercises and physical therapies. These treatments are safe, without drugs, helping ease pain and speed up your recovery. Working closely with your chiropractor can help show how your injuries are improving over time. This can help you get fair compensation from insurers.

After an accident, don’t delay chiropractic care, this can prevent chronic neck pain, back pain, Sciatica and headaches that just seem to never go away.  When the spinal joints and soft tissues are damaged from a whiplash accident; they won't heal and repair on their own; this is why it is important to get chiropractic care immediately. Find a reliable car accident chiropractor in your local Kingwood or north Houston area. They'll give you the care and documentation you need. This will maximize your whiplash treatment options and chiropractic care for whiplash.

"Chiropractic adjustments after a car accident are known to reduce pain in the entire body due to pain-reducing hormones released during the spinal manipulations."

Getting immediate chiropractic care is essential for both injury recovery and insurance claims. Chiropractors will keep detailed medical records and provide all of the necessary treatment you need to fully recover and get back to normal.  This is key to proving the seriousness of your injury, only you really know how injured you are, but you have to show the insurance company this as well. Getting progress notes from your chiropractor or physical therapist, also shows that you are getting the recommended treatment and shows your results from week to week. PIP insurance companies like to see that you are getting treatment, this means that you are taking your injuries and your case seriously. 

Studies show car accident victims are more likely to suffer ongoing neck or back pain, especially when they do not get any treatment after their accident.  An experienced car accident chiropractor can help you recover fully. They'll reduce pain and enhance your claim. Working with them is stepping towards better health and a stronger insurance case.

Insurance Coverage for Whiplash and Related Expenses

After a car accident, knowing your insurance can help manage whiplash injury costs. Laws and your policy determine what coverage pays for medical bills, rehab, chiropractic treatment and time off of work. This includes coverage for whiplash injuries.

Personal injury protection (PIP) is a helpful option. It gives benefits 'no matter' who caused the crash. PIP covers medical bills, lost income, and some other whiplash expenses. The driver at fault's insurance may pay for your costs and suffering as well.  PIP is often used by the patient for a few reasons: 1. They can get the treatment they need without worrying about a 3rd party insurance company telling them how much treatment they need, 2. They don't have to worry about attorney expenses or unknown expenses from medical facilities, 3. Sometimes the insured person, (PIP insurance), was run off the road, maybe into a ditch or they hit a tree, their injuries are from this type of accident where no other car or person was involved. It is always recommended that you call your auto insurance representative to add PIP coverage; it is very inexpensive to do so and at least you have peace of mind that you are covered if you are in a car wreck. 

Then, there's medical payments coverage (MedPay). It can help with medical bills, like chiropractic care, emergency room doctor, medical doctor, physical therapy, imaging like MRI and X-ray, or prescription medicine. This coverage is handy if you run out of PIP or if the at-fault driver's insurance is not covering your expenses fully. 

In places like Florida, drivers must have minimum PIP coverage. This ensures help for whiplash costs. Quickly getting medical help and making sure your doctors are providing the necessary documentation can help get the most from your insurance claim. 

If your claim doesn't cover everything, think about a personal injury claim. A lawyer can guide you. They work to secure further help and support for your recovery.  It is only beneficial to hire an attorney if you have serious injuries, because these days most insurance companies will only give a settlement around $5000 for an accident where there is little damage to the vehicle.  If you end up in the hospital, have a concussion or serious long-term disability from a car accident then call one of the popular attorneys in your area who take these cases. 

Coverage Type


Average Coverage Limit

Personal Injury Protection (PIP)

Provides no-fault benefits for medical expenses, lost wages, and other costs regardless of fault

$2500 - $10,000

Medical Payments Coverage (MedPay)

Helps cover medical bills, including chiropractic treatments, up to the coverage limit

$5,000 - $100,000

Liability Insurance

Covers expenses and damages for the at-fault driver, including the injured party's medical bills

Varies by state and policy

Quick medical attention and detailed injury and treatment records are key to ensure your policy helps as much as possible. Knowing your coverage and teaming up with experts can boost your insurance support. This aids your recovery from a car accident's whiplash injuries and removes a lot of stress from the situation. 

Dealing with Insurance Companies and Adjusters

Getting fair compensation from insurance companies after a car crash can be tough. They might offer you very small amounts at first. Don't jump into these deals. It's key to check all your damages before agreeing to anything.

To get a fair deal for whiplash, be patient, let the adjuster know your injuries and what you are hoping to get out of the chiropractic treatment and medical intervention. You should be ready to discuss and show proof for why you need treatment. In general, being in a car accident you should be entitled to two things: 1. Get your car fixed, you need a car so it is obviously very important that it is fixed and fixed completely, 2. Get your spine and injuries fixed; how you felt before the car accident is how you want to feel after getting all the necessary chiropractic care/physical therapy. 

Avoiding Lowball Settlement Offers

Insurance adjusters might act like your whiplash isn't a big deal, you have to speak up and let them know you are doing everything you can to fix your injuries.  They could offer much less than what you need so don't panic if they do this; because they probably will. Stay determined to get what you're owed and you might even have to ask for another adjuster or manager if you feel like you are being treated unfairly. 

Cooperating with Your Own Insurance Company

It’s okay to trust your own insurance company. They need details about the accident and your injuries as part of your policy. Give them the facts. But don't guess who's at fault or how severe your injuries are. They are there to support you and guide you through your claim.

Knowing how to deal with insurers helps a lot. And, relying on support from your insurance can also guide you in the right direction. Together, they can help you get the best outcome from your whiplash claim to cover your injuries. 

Statute of Limitations for Whiplash Injury Claims

If you got whiplash from a car crash, knowing how long you have to file a claim is key. In the U.S., many states allow up to two years to sue since the accident date. This time is your chance to act and get paid for your losses.  Some patients wait a couple of weeks or months before filing a claim because they were not sure that their injuries were serious enough to warrant treatment.  Always make it a point to get back to pre-accident status, whether you start treatment immediately or two months down the road. 

If it is safe, start getting chiropractic treatment right after your car wreck. This is better for your healing and recovery and also helps with your claim because your PIP insurance company sees that you are getting therapy as soon as possible. 

"Whiplash injuries are often downplayed by insurance companies, despite medical evidence showing the potential for long-term complications. That's why it's so important to take action quickly and have an experienced chiropractor on your side."

Don’t miss the deadline to file your whiplash claim. Call a personal injury attorney without delay to secure your compensation for costs like medical bills and lost income.


Statute of Limitations for Whiplash Injury Claims


2 years


2 years

New York

3 years


4 years


2 years

You basically have a minimum of 2 years to file a claim for your PIP. If you have been involved in a car accident and you have injuries but you are not sure how bad they are; make an appointment to go see a chiropractor.  Having whiplash injuries to the spine and soft tissues is an indication that treatment is needed to heal and repair.  If you decide to not get chiropractic care or physical therapy, these whiplash injuries will not heal sufficiently by themselves. If you are unsure at all about your injuries, go to your local chiropractor to get a consultation and examination; they will let you know the severity of your injuries and a recommended treatment plan.

Patience and Diligence in the Settlement Process

Getting a fair settlement for a whiplash injury takes time and effort. Being patient and working hard with insurance companies is vital. You'll go back and forth, share more details, and stick to wanting the right amount of money; it just has to be fair when you compare to the damage to your car and how much treatment you received. 

Dealing with insurance companies requires a lot of patience. They might try to slow things down, pay less, or change adjusters on you.  It's important to keep going and not give up. The insurance company also wants to settle and close the case; just let them know you want your car fixed and your body healed; just like it was before your whiplash accident.

Being effortful is also very important in car accident claims for whiplash. You must keep good records of your medical care and costs. Being organized and sharing all info needed can help a lot in getting the right settlement.  Be honest with your insurance company; you are not trying to retire on your car accident settlement money because they will never pay that much.  Again, be fair and be patient; those insurance adjusters really want to settle your case as well. 

"Patience and perseverance have a magical effect before which difficulties disappear and obstacles vanish." - John Quincy Adams

The journey to a settlement is like a long race. Stay patient and committed, and you'll up your chances for a good outcome. When they present the settlement, read it over and make sure it is fair.  Often times once you settle with an insurance company; from that point forward, they will not cover any additional medical expenses. 

Maximizing Your Recovery and Quality of Life

After a car accident, your main goal is healing, both physically and emotionally. It's important to seek fair compensation for whiplash and it's just as crucial to focus on your well-being. By being actively involved in your recovery, you can increase your settlement. You'll also improve your health and life quality.

Chiropractic care is very effective in helping you recover from whiplash. It takes care of your physical alignment and overall health. Treatments include spinal adjustments, corrective exercises and stretches. These aim to improve nervous system function, decrease pain and help you recover from your injuries. This is very helpful for those recovering from car accidents, like physical therapy the chiropractic recommendations are usually 3X per week for a few weeks, then twice a week and less as you get better.

  1. Engage in a tailored treatment plan with your chiropractor: Work with your chiropractor to create a personalized plan to help meet your goals and expectations of the treatment. This caters to your unique needs and rhythms. It helps in your recovery and enhances your life.  How do you want to feel after finishing chiropractic care; what do you want to be able to do without having to worry about neck and back pain?
  2. Embrace a comprehensive approach: Combining chiropractic care with other treatments like physical therapy, nutritional supplements and a healthy diet helps a lot. It accelerates healing and makes long-lasting health gains possible.
  3. Prioritize consistent care: Regular chiropractic visits are vital for ongoing recovery and preventing future issues. These visits mark your progress towards better health.  The chiropractor gives you a treatment plan for a reason; the better you follow it; the better your results are.  Don't neglect your care; getting chiropractic care once a week after a whiplash injury will not get you the same results as going three times per week. The body needs the time and the right therapy to heal, there is no way to speed this up. 

Being active in your recovery and opting for a full-recovery approach are key. This can relieve immediate whiplash symptoms. It also sets you on a path to a healthier tomorrow. Always put your health first, with the right chiropractic treatment plan, you can boost your recovery and life quality.

"Chiropractic solutions specialize in providing safe spinal manipulations, a cornerstone of uplifting patients from enduring pain to hopeful recovery."

Treatment Modality

Benefits for Whiplash Recovery

Chiropractic Adjustments

Restores proper nervous system function, relieves pain, and promotes healing

Physical Therapy

Improves range of motion, flexibility, and strength, reducing long-term complications

Nutritional Counseling

Supports the body's natural healing process and reduces inflammation

Soft Tissue Therapy

Alleviates muscle tension and promotes relaxation for better recovery


Getting a fair settlement for a whiplash injury from a car accident isn't easy. You should see a doctor right away and keep track of your health and treatments. Also, it's important to communicate with your insurance adjuster to give them the details of your injury and the goals of getting chiropractic treatment. 

It's vital to know the laws and how insurance works. Make sure you focus on getting better, both physically and emotionally because this is such a stressful event.  This will improve your chances of getting a fair settlement to cover your whiplash injuries as well as damage to your vehicle.  You deserve to be fully recovered from your injuries and move on with your life; let your adjuster know this. 

If you're in a car crash and have whiplash, remember a few things. Quick medical help, chiropractic care and physical therapy are key. Make sure every doctor you see has detailed notes and documentation that they can give the insurance company Let you adjuster you are getting treatment to feel better and get back to doing what you did before the accident; this may be pickleball, playing with your kids, going on walks with your spouse, getting back to the gym or being able to focus when you are at work. 

Dealing with a whiplash injury claim is tough. It requires being proactive, being patient and getting help from the right people. This way, you can make sure you're treated fairly and get what you need to get back to normal.


What is whiplash and what are its symptoms?

Whiplash happens when your head quickly moves back and forth from a car accident. People with whiplash feel pain and tightness in their neck, back and shoulders. They might also have headaches, feel dizzy, or have trouble thinking.  The force of a whiplash injury damages the joints of the spine and the surrounding soft tissues.  It is not unusual to have mini tears in the muscle, tendons and ligaments surrounding the spine from these high impact accidents. 

Why is it important to seek immediate medical attention and chiropractic care after a car accident?

After a car crash, seeing a doctor right away is important even if you feel fine. Adrenaline and shock can hide signs of serious injuries after a whiplash accident. Getting checked means doctors can catch hidden issues and keep a record of your health. There are many times where injuries and symptoms show up days after a car accident; if you get checked right away you will eliminate the chance of future aches and pains. 

How can medical records help with a whiplash injury claim?

Medical records and progress notes are very important for PIP insurance claims.  They show how severe the injuries are, what type of treatment you have gone through to recover, and if your symptoms are improving. Your insurance company wants to see all of this documentation; your doctor makes sure they receive it. 

What are some strategies for negotiating with insurance adjusters?

When talking settlement with the insurance people, don't take their first low offer. Add up all your costs, like medical bills and lost work, and what the pain and stress has cost you. Then, use this to ask for a fair deal. Be ready to show facts that back up your asking price.  Be polite and let the adjuster know you are not trying to make money from your accident; you just want your medical bills paid, time off of work and to get back to your life like it was before the accident. 

What are the benefits to seeing a car accident chiropractor after a car wreck?

The area’s most affects by a whiplash injury are the spine, (cervical, thoracic and lumbar) and the surrounding soft tissues, (muscle, tendon, ligaments). The chiropractor will begin by realigning your spine, taking pressure off of nerves and reducing muscle spasm.  This chiropractic care helps the body heal and repair more effectively than not doing anything at all.  Chiropractic gets to the root cause of the problem, in this case misaligned/damaged spinal joints and muscle spasms.  Fixing the spine and muscle damage will help reduce inflammation, pain and get you back to feeling like you did before the car accident. By not seeing a chiropractor immediately after a car wreck, you are risking future neck/back pain and postural problems in your spine.  If you are in a serious car accident, and the emergency room doctor or your primary care doctor has cleared you of a concussion or spinal fracture; go see a chiropractor and get a car accident evaluation to see where you stand. 

How is the value of a whiplash settlement calculated?

A common way to guess how much you might get is the “multiplier method.” They look at your medical bills and times that cost by how bad your injury is. How your life was affected, like work you’ve missed and how much you’ve suffered, also counts in this math.  You deserve a fair settlement; if you are in the hospital and have lasting injuries you may hire a lawyer and get 150K for a settlement.  If you are in a fairly low impact accident and there is not much damage to your car; the insurance companies are not going to pay much more than $5000-$8000 for your treatment, injuries and time off of work. 

How can seeking treatment from a car accident chiropractor help with a whiplash injury claim?

Treating with a chiropractor is important, they are the experts in treating whiplash injuries because of their knowledge of the spine and neck and back injuries.  Their reports can also help show the hard proof of your whiplash, what kind of treatment you need and what to expect during and after your treatment. The chiropractor will send in all the documentation for your injuries and treatment; this is what the insurance company wants to see. 

What types of insurance coverage may be available for whiplash-related expenses?

It depends on where you live and what your policy says, but you might have several ways to cover whiplash costs. Some include your own PIP benefits or getting help from the other driver's liability insurance. Knowing what’s out there can make sure you get the most help for your bills.  If you cannot file a PIP claims you can always use your medical insurance, you might have a co-pay or deductible or both.  The 3 most common ways for insurance to pay for whiplash injuries are:1. PIP, (personal injury protection), through your auto policy such as Geico, USAA, Progressive, Nationwide and Farmers, 2. Med Pay, which is also through your auto policy, 3. medical insurance such as Blue Cross Blue Shield and Aetna cover chiropractic care well. 

What should I be aware of when dealing with insurance companies after a car accident?

Be careful with what the insurance offers as a settlement. They often lowball to save money. Make sure not to agree without reading the settlement offer, do not sign anything until you know that you are done with any kind of chiropractic care or physical therapy; and you are feeling back to normal.  Let the insurance adjuster know from the beginning that you are not trying to make money on this claim; you just want your medical treatment taken care of so you can feel the way you did before the accident. 

What is the importance of the statute of limitations for whiplash injury claims?

There’s only so long, usually two years, to get treatment for your whiplash injuries.  This is why it is very important to get a car accident checkup at your local chiropractic office to see if your injuries are severe enough to warrant treatment. 

What are the average medical costs for a car accident in Texas in 2024

Medical costs for whiplash injuries depend on a few key things.  First you have to know that when you are in a car accident the insurance company responsible for paying for your treatment already has a good idea of how much they want to offer you to settle.  Insurance companies use metrics to determine cost, the most common are: speed of accident, damage to vehicle, type of vehicles involved, did the patient go to the emergency room, was the vehicle drivable after the accident, did the air bags deploy, did the patient have a concussion or fracture from the accident and what medical care they had so far. For you, the patient, you want to get your car fixed and get enough chiropractic treatment to get you out of pain, or at lease close to where you were before the car wreck.  The average settlement for a car accident where the car is a total write off, the person has neck and back pain but does not have fracture or concussion, in Texas is anywhere from $3000-$6000.  The insurance companies will not budge much on their settlement so in this case it is really not of much benefit to hire an attorney.  If a car accident victim has concussion, fracture, need extended time off from work, and they are in the hospital with more serious injuries than a settlement can be worth over $100000, in the case it is worth hiring a personal injury attorney.  

Hamel Chiropractic and Wellness