Unlock Superior Digestion: Why Zypan is Your Go-To Supplement for Gut Health

Your digestive system is key to your health and happiness. A healthy gut means better nutrient absorption and less discomfort. Zypan® from Standard Process is here to help with its natural remedies and herbal supplements.

Zypan is a supplement made from whole foods. It has a mix of animal and plant enzymes. This blend helps digest proteins, fats, and carbs. It's a great choice for anyone looking to improve their diet with supplements.

If you are feeling bloated, constipated or struggling with sluggish digestion? Discover how Zypan, a powerful whole food supplement, can revitalize your gut health and optimize your digestion. Learn why this essential supplement could be the key to unlocking a healthier, more comfortable you.

A couple of reasons why Zypan is important to most American's today: 1. 73% of the calories that Americans are eating are ultra processed, meaning little to no nutrient value. 2. Most people with digestive issue and reflux think they have too much stomach acid but in reality, they do not have enough hydrochloric acid, (HCL), Zypan helps with this. Reflux pain and discomfort is caused by lactic acid; food in the gut can't be broken down properly so it begins to rot, this causes the release of lactic acid.  The reason why protein and carbs cannot be digested in the gut, is because as we get older, we are unable to produce enough HCL.  HCL's main job is to break down and digest protein as well as kill off any pathogens like bacteria and viruses; yeah, HCL is a strong acid and it is supposed to be. The pH of the lower gut should be around 4.0, this is acidic and is needed to digest food properly.

So, for all those people out there with reflux or GERD, when taking an acid blocker; it does just that; yes, it helps get rid of the lactic acid but it also takes away any hydrochloric acid in your gut, which is no good long term. Not having adequate amounts of HCL in the gut means you are not able to properly break down and digest food; anyone who is taking acid blockers, in reality, are not able to properly break down and digest food.  

Key Takeaways

  • Zypan is a comprehensive digestive aid that supports the breakdown of proteins, fats, and carbohydrates
  • The unique blend of enzymes in Zypan can help alleviate a variety of digestive issues, from difficulty digesting protein, constipation to GI inflammation
  • Zypan can improve overall digestion, reduce the workload on the pancreas, and minimize the secondary effects of poor digestion
  • Zypan is a whole-food based supplement that aligns with Standard Process's commitment to using high-quality, natural ingredients
  • Zypan is a versatile supplement that can benefit individuals with various digestive concerns, making it a valuable addition to your health regimen

The Importance of a Healthy Digestive System
A strong digestive system is key to living a long, healthy and vibrant life. It helps you break down food properly so you can get the nutrients you need.  Zypan, because of its acidic nature helps to keep a good balance of good and bad bacteria in the gut; this sets of a healthy gut environment and provides for a healthy immune system. 

Understanding the Role of the Gut in Overall Well-being
Your digestive system breaks down food and sends nutrients to your body. It also helps your immune system stay strong. Plus, the good bacteria in your gut, known as the microbiome, manage many body functions, like metabolism and mood.  To be at your best, to optimize your health; you want your microbiome to be made up of at least 80% good bacteria.  Your body starts to struggle with its energy, digestion, immune system and brain fog when this level of good bacteria dips below 80%. If you are having chronic digestive issues and immune challenges there is a good chance that your bad bacteria are overwhelming your good bacteria in your gut microbiome. 

Common Symptoms of Digestive Issues
If your digestive system isn't working right, you might notice:

  • Skin conditions
  • Food and environmental sensitivities
  • Heartburn
  • Gas and bloating
  • Undigested food in stools
  • Stomach upset
  • Small intestinal bacterial overgrowth (SIBO)
  • Infections
  • Diarrhea or constipation
  • Nutrient deficiencies
  • Brain fog
  • Musculoskeletal aches and pains

Keeping your digestive system healthy is crucial for your overall health. Fixing digestive problems helps with nutrient absorption, immune support, and a balancing your microbiome with good bacteria. People need to get their gut health fixed; many people have a poor-quality microbiome, inflammation and leaky gut syndrome; even if they are eating all organic food and taking the best supplements; they are not getting the maximum benefit. 



Introducing Zypan: A Powerful Digestive Aid
Zypan from Standard Process is a top choice for keeping your digestive system healthy. Since 1958, healthcare pros have trusted it for its natural way to help break down and absorb nutrients.

What is Zypan?
Zypan is a mix of animal and plant enzymes that work together to help with digestion. Each dose of Zypan includes 595 mg of special ingredients. These include betaine hydrochloride, bovine pancreas Cytosol™ extract, pepsin, pancreatin, and more.

Key Ingredients in Zypan
Zypan's ingredients offer a full support for your digestive health:

  •  Betaine hydrochloride: Keeps stomach acid at the right level for better digestion.
  • Bovine pancreas Cytosol™ extract: Helps the pancreas work right and make digestive enzymes.
  •  Pepsin: Breaks down proteins in the stomach.
  •  Pancreatin: Helps digest carbs, proteins, and fats.
  •  Stearic acid (vegetable source): Makes fats easier to absorb.
  •  Ammonium chloride: Keeps the body's pH balanced.
  • Bovine and ovine spleen: Supports overall health of glands and organs.

Zypan from Standard Process offers a full solution for better digestion and nutrient use.


Standard Process Zypan: A Comprehensive Solution
Looking for a way to boost your digestive health? Standard process Zypan is a top choice. It's a whole-food supplement that combines animal and plant enzymes. These enzymes help break down proteins, fats, and carbs in your body.  Many people today are eating Keto type diets which means eating a lot more protein; our body is only able to digest a certain amount of protein and then it will have issues like constipation, bloating and inflammation.  When eating a high protein diet make sure to digest at least 25 grams of fiber per day as well as taking a good digestive enzyme like Zypan. 

Zypan does more than just help with digestion. It's a key tool for gut health. It supports digestion naturally, easing issues like bloating and discomfort. It can even tackle chronic problems that arise from poor digestion or having too much bad bacteria in the gut.

Zypan is made with care, using organic, regeneratively farmed ingredients. This means it's pure and potent. You get a supplement that works well and is safe to use.  There are not many digestive enzymes on the market like Zypan, this is why a lot of alternative health practitioners offer this product to their patient’s complaining of GERD, bloating, chronic aches and pains and constipation. 

Key Benefits of Zypan Digestive Enzymes in Zypan
⦁ Supports optimal digestion of proteins, fats, and carbohydrates
⦁ Promotes overall gut health and well-being
⦁ Helps alleviate occasional digestive discomfort
⦁ Crafted with high-quality, whole-food ingredients
⦁ Free from allergens and GMOs
⦁ Pancreatin (from porcine)
⦁ Papain (from papaya)
⦁ Bromelain (from pineapple)
⦁ Betaine hydrochloride
⦁ Ox bile


Standard process has over 95 years of experience in supplements. They offer innovative, quality products for different nutritional needs. Zypan is one way they support gut health and overall well-being.

"Zypan has been a game-changer for my digestive health. I no longer struggle with bloating or discomfort, and I feel more energized and focused throughout the day."
- Sarah M., Satisfied Zypan User

Boosting Nutrient Absorption with Zypan
Getting the right nutrients is key to staying healthy. As we get older, our bodies make less intrinsic factor and HCL. This protein is vital for absorbing vitamin B12. Zypan from Standard Process has ingredients that help make more intrinsic factor. This boosts vitamin B12 and other nutrient absorption.
The Importance of Intrinsic Factor

Intrinsic factor is a stomach protein that helps absorb vitamin B12 in the intestines. Vitamin B12 is crucial for many body functions, like making red blood cells and keeping nerves healthy. Zypan supports intrinsic factor production. This ensures your body gets this important nutrient.

Zypan's Role in Enhancing Nutrient Absorption

  •  Zypan has Betaine Hydrochloride, which keeps stomach acidity right for digesting food and a healthy immune system.
  • Pepsin breaks down proteins into smaller bits for better absorption.
  •  Pancreatin breaks down fats, carbs, and proteins in the small intestine for better absorption.
  • Zypan's enzymes help extract nutrients from food for better absorption.

Zypan promotes good digestion and nutrient absorption. This means your body can use the vitamins, minerals, and nutrients it needs. You'll feel more energetic, healthier, and stronger.  Research has shown that there are many connections between the gut and other system of the body; the importance of gut health cannot be over stated.  Researchers have shown a direct connection or relationship for the following: Gut-Musculoskeletal system, Gut-Thyroid, Gut-Adrenal, Gut-Immune, and Gut-Brain.  It makes sense that gut health is crucial to make all these other systems, organs and glands work to their optimal level.
"Zypan's unique formulation helps improve nutrient absorption in your body, boosting overall health, energy levels, and vitality."

Strengthening the Gut-Brain Connection
Your gut and brain are deeply connected through the gut-brain axis. This system lets them talk to each other and is key to your health. Taking care of your gut can make your brain work better and improve your mood.  Who would have thought that the health of your gut can affect brain fog, mood, hormone balance, inflammation and more. 

The Gut-Brain Axis and Its Impact on Overall Health
A healthy gut affects how your body makes neurotransmitters like serotonin and dopamine. These are important for your mood and thinking. But, if your gut bacteria are out of balance, it can certainly increase the chances of mental health issues like depression and anxiety.  If hormones are out of balance, it can affect your body in so many ways like energy, sleep, digestion, libido and joint pains.  If hormone balance is off, it is important to find out the source, look at the hormone producing glands like adrenals, pancreas, pituitary, hypothalamus, thyroid, male and female glands and of course, don't forget the gut. 

Using supplements like Zypan can help keep your gut and brain connected, it is all about removing interference, in this case undigested foods and good/bad bacteria balance play a big role.  Standard Process Zypan is a digestive aid that helps you absorb nutrients better, keeps your gut healthy, and boosts your brain function. It helps keep a healthy connection between your brain and your gut. 

Benefits of a Healthy Gut-Brain Connection
Improved mood and reduced symptoms of depression and anxiety
Enhanced cognitive function and memory
Better stress management and resilience
Reduced risk of neurological disorders
Increased overall well-being and quality of life


With Zypan, you can support your gut health and gut-brain connection. This leads to better brain health and mental well-being. Even better, you are doing all of this naturally without having to take serious prescription medications. Taking care of your gut is good for your mind and body, many patients and doctors neglect to look at how important gut health is and how it can contribute to many chronic health conditions today. 

Zypan from Standard Process is a top-notch digestive supplement. It boosts digestive health, supports immune system function and overall well-being. It helps break down and absorb nutrients, tackling various digestive issues and taking stress off of your digestive system.

If you often face digestive problems like gas, bloating or constipation and you want to boost your gut health, Zypan could be exactly what you need. It's packed with enzymes and hydrochloric acid. These ingredients keep your digestive system balanced, ensuring you get the most from your food which helps feed your cells, organs and glands the nutrition they need. 

Adding Zypan or other Standard Process digestive enzyme to your daily route is a step towards better digestive health and more energy. Talk to a healthcare expert to see if Zypan fits your needs. 

What is Zypan?

Zypan is a supplement made by Standard Process. It has animal and plant enzymes. It helps with digesting proteins, fats, and carbs.  As we get older many of us do not produce adequate amounts of hydrochloric acid, (HCL), is the gut; as a result, we have trouble breaking down and digesting proteins and carbohydrates.  

How can Zypan help with digestive issues?
Zypan helps with many digestive problems like protein digestion issues, gas, bloating, constipation and more. It helps to improve digestion and compliments the enzyme action of the pancreas.  Remember that the stomach, pancreas and liver all release enzymes that help many processes in the body. 

What are the key ingredients in Zypan?
Zypan includes fig fruit, almonds, pancreatin, and other enzymes. These ingredients help break down proteins, fats, and carbs.  These are all organic ingredients that come from the Standard Process farm.

How does Zypan support nutrient absorption?
Zypan has ingredients that help make intrinsic factor. This is key for absorbing vitamin B12. As we get older, making this factor is more difficult, leading to nutrient shortages. Zypan boosts vitamin B12 and other nutrient absorption.  Eating healthy food is one thing and is very important but your gut's ability to break down and absorb nutrients is critical for good health. 

How does Zypan support the gut-brain connection?
The gut and brain talk to each other through the gut-brain axis. Zypan helps improve digestion, and takes stress off of the digestive tract, which strengthens this connection. This supports mental and physical health.  

What other options for digestive support besides Zypan can I use from Standard Process?
Zypan is great for helping to break down proteins and carbs, however, if someone is dealing with active or severe reflux, you might have to wait until those calms down before using Zypan. Standard Process offers other digestive enzyme support with products like Enzycore, (plants-based enzymes so easier on your stomach), Multizyme contains a variety of digestive enzymes with no HCL, Betaine HCL is a good choice and on the herbal side, Mediherb's Digest Forte is very good.  No one supplement is perfect for everyone, luckily Standard Process has you covered with a variety of different products.  If you are looking to calm down the GI tract and reflux, SP offers two products that help naturally heal and repair, these are Okra Pepsin E3 and MediHerbs HiPep.

Why does Standard Process use Protomorphogens or organs in some of their supplements?
The founder of SP, Dr. Royal Lee concluded that when someone has a digestive condition it is good to look at all of the organs and glands involved in that process.  For digestion he knew that the pancreas produced enzymes to help break down and digest food, so he extracted the protein from the pancreas of a cow or pig and added it to the supplement.  This is the protein extract of the organ or gland, not the organ or gland itself.  Royal Lee figured feed the organ or gland that was not functioning up to par with a little bit of that organ or gland. Over 95 years ago, Royal Lee pioneered this idea, some other supplement companies since then have copied and tried to do the same thing; but nothing compared to SP. For example, if you have stressed out and anxious all of the time that is related to adrenal fatigue, so Royal Lee recommended taking desiccated adrenal.  If a patient had a thyroid dysfunction, then Royal Lee would recommend taking thytrophin PMG.  The supplements themselves do not taste like animal organ or gland, remember it is just the protein extract. 

When taking Standard Process Zypan, how much shoulder I take?
Firstly, it is always recommended that you take Zypan, ideally 2 pills after each meal and not on an empty stomach. If you have a sensitive stomach you can start with a lesser dose, the job of the zypan is to help you digest food, so you should notice a difference in digestion and elimination. Some people who only eat two large meals a day, just take 2 zypan after those meals.  

How do I know if Zypan is safe for me to take?
If you have serious digestive issues or a condition like diverticulitis or an ulcer, definitely check with your doctor to see if zypan is something you can take.  Remember that reflux is caused by lactic acid and not HCL in the gut, so make sure to educate your doctor on what zypan is made of and why they are using it.  As a general rule of thumb, they always recommend taking natural supplements away from medicine; so, if you are taking an acid blocker that just take your natural enzymes a couple hours after that. Royal Lee developed these digestive products to help his patients and his community, if you are having a side effect to one product, definitely try a different one.  These supplements are made from whole food, unlike reflux medicine which is made of chemical that is just eradicating all acid from the area to try and make you feel better. 



Hamel Chiropractic and Wellness